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he said for them to not become angry and not to harm the people back

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Q: How did Martin Luther King Jr. suggest that his people respond to physical force?
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Martin Luther King Jr was not named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther.

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Martin Luther is the creator of Lutheranism. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr. was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Nobody's name was changed.

Was Martin Luther King jr named after Martin Luther of Germany?

Martin Luther King Jr's father, Martin Luther King, was named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father.

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Martin Luther, the German cleric, did not invent any thing in a physical sense. He openly criticized the Catholic church, and began the Protestant branch of Christianity.

What was Martin Luther King jr's dad's name?

The father of Martin Luther King, Jr. was Martin Luther King, Sr.

Was Martin Luther King Jr born in Germany as Martin Luther?

Martin Luther King and Martin Luther are two completely different people. Martin Luther King was born in the United States.

What was Martin Luther King jr father name?

martin Luther king dad name was Damien

What was Martin Luther's original name?

Martin Luther was Martin Luther's original name - it was never changed.