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Q: How does dally convince the nurse to let him go to the rumble in the outsiders?
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Who showed up to the rumble unexpected from outsiders?

It is Dally who has joined the rumble. He joined the rumble by "talking the nurse in to let him join the rumble" but he actually used his 10' black switchblade that Two-bit handed back to him at the hospital...

What role does SE Hinton play in the movie The Outsiders?

S.E. Hinton played the nurse that helped dally in the movie The Outsiders

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Dally because he was in the hospital for burns and had to threaten a nurse to get out

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Yes Dally does go to the rumble in the Outsiders. He was suposed to be in the hospital because he was in the fire. When Ponyboy and Two-Bit came to visit he asked for Two-Bits 10 inch switch blade, he then hide it under his pillow. Later, Dally treatens the nurse to let him go with Two-Bits switch blade.

How is dally able to join the rumble?

dally uses the switchblade that he got from two-bit to threaten the nurse so she would let him go

Why did Dally want Two-Bits knife?

He necessarily doesn't need one, but all greasers should carry a switchblade, heater (gun), and weapons of that sort, should they be jumped by Socs or get intp a fight.

Who joins forces with ponyboy and his gang to fight the socs in the rumble at the end of the novel?

Dally joined forces with his gang to fight the socs in the rumble at the end of the novel because he has escaped the hospital and he was threating the nurse to let him out of the hospital

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Who did SE Hinton play in the movie The Outsiders?

S.E. Hinton, the author of "The Outsiders," did not appear in the 1983 movie adaptation.

How did dally get out of hospital?

He borrowed Two-Bit's blade to force the nurse to let him out.

What small role did s e Hinton have in the outsiders?

nurse for johnny

How does Johnny write a note to pony?

a nurse writes it for him or he writes it himself found in chapter 5 in the outsiders