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This process is called "nuclear fusion".

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Q: In stars hydrogen nuclei combine with each other to form helium and other heavier elements. What is this process called?
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Which process combines lighter elements into heavier elements and produces energy within the sun and other stars?

That is called "nuclear fusion".

How do stars fuse elements together to the heavier elements?

The most important reactions in stellar nucleosynthesis:Hydrogen fusing: Deuterium burningThe proton-proton chainThe carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycleHelium burning: The triple-alpha processThe alpha processBurning of heavier elements: Lithium burning: a process found most commonly in brown dwarfsCarbon-burning processNeon-burning processOxygen-burning processSilicon-burning processProduction of elements heavier than iron: Neutron capture: The R-processThe S-processProton capture: The Rp-processPhoto-disintegration: The P-processElements heavier than Iron and Nickle are only produced in supernova explosions.

What is the source of all elements in the universe that are more massive than iron?

The primary sources of these elements are fusion reactions in stars (the plural is there because there are hundreds, if not thousands, of different reactions that take place in stars).The reason that iron is significant is that two of its isotopes (56Fe and 58Fe) are the around the most stable nuclei of any element (56Fe is often wrongly attributed to be the most stable nuclide, but that distinction actually goes to 62Ni - 56Fe comes in third after 62Ni and 58Fe).As a result, fusion reactions (nuclear reactions that combine smaller elements to make larger ones) that take place to give progressively heavier elements up to nickel (just beyond iron in the periodic table) will give out energy. To form elements larger than iron, energy has to be put in to the reaction. It is the fusion reactions that give elements up to nickel, which give out the energy from stars.The consequence of this is that any elements heavier than nickel which may be temporarily formed in a star will undergo fission reactions that give smaller elements. Elements heavier than iron are generally formed in supernovae, where a star coming to the end of its life (and therefore containing plenty of heavy elements) produces a massive energy output that fuels the formation of heavy elements and scatters them to interstellar space before significant losses due to fission can take place.

Why do only massive stars enrich the universe with heavy elements?

It takes lots energy and I guess normal nova does not produce too much. Other sources such as collision don't contribute significantly. Massive stars (at least 8 times the mass of the Sun) should eventually explode as supernovas. In this process heavy elements are created and scattered through space. Before they explode they become "supergiant stars". These have cores hot enough to make elements as heavy as iron and nickel. Even heavier elements are created during the explosion.

What type of organic materials may be found on meteorites?

"Organic" materials are defined as materials that contain the element carbon, but a broader interpretation will include all of the CHON elements; Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. Any substance that contains all four elements is certainly an "organic" molecule, even if it formed in the absence of any life process.

Related questions

What is this process called when hydrogen nuclei combine with stars to form helium and other heavier elements?

nuclear fusion reaction

What nuclear process occurred when light elements combine to form heavier elements?

Nuclear Fusion

What do hydrogen bombs ands stars both produce nuclear with?

The process of fusion, where hydrogen is fused into heavier elements, releasing energy in the process.

How are heavier elements formed from hydrogen within the core of a star?

by the process of nuclear fusion

What is the nuclear process that converts helium and hydrogen from lighter to heavier elements?

Nuclear fusion reaction

How are elements formed from hydrogen?

Heavier elements are formed from hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, through a process called nuclear fusion. There are machines or structures in the universe that do this, and we call them stars. It is the process within stars, stellar nucleosynthesis, that allows heavier elements to be created up through iron. Elements heavier than iron are formed in supernova events. Use the links below to learn more.

Is it true that Hydrogen and Helium were formed by nuclear reaction in the stars and other elements were formed after the Big Bang?

Close, but not exactly. Hydrogen is not formed by nuclear reactions in stars, hydrogen was formed not long after the Big Bang, when the expanding universe had cooled sufficiently that an electron and a proton could combine to form a hydrogen atom. Helium and all the other elements that are heavier than hydrogen, were formed by the process of nuclear fusion, in stars.

What it a process in which lighter elements stick together to create heavier elements?

The process in which lighter elements stick together to create heavier elements is known as fusion. This is the process that will be used in the synthesis of a heavier atomic nuclei.

How can stars give off their own light?

stars turn hydrogen into heavier elements in nuclear fusion. this process gives off light and heat.

What process do stars use to produce light?

Stars emit light through a process called "nuclear fusion", sometimes called "thermonuclear fusion". This should not be confused with "nuclear fission", the process used in nuclear power plants to produce electricity. In nuclear fission, the radioactive substance decays to a substance of lower atomic number (through bombardment of its nucleas), releasing considerable heat in the process. In nuclear fusion, the nuclei combine to form a substance of higher atomic number, again releasing considerable heat in the process.

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What nuclear process coverts helium and hydrogen gases from lighter to heavier elements?

The process is called fusion; hydrogen nuclei are fused together to make helium. At much higher temperatures and pressures, the helium can fuse into carbon and nitrogen and oxygen.