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they were heading to southern Africa and why becauseThe Portuguese Empire (Portuguese: Império Português) was the first global empire in history, with territories in South America, Africa, India and South East Asia. It was also the longest lived of the modern European colonial empires, spanning almost six centuries, from the capture of Ceuta in 1415 to the handover of Macau in 1999.

Portuguese explorers began exploring the coast of Africa in 1419, making use of the latest developments in navigation, cartography and maritime technology such as the caravel, in order that they might find a sea route to the source of the lucrative spice trade. In 1488, Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and in 1498, Vasco da Gama reached India. In 1500, by an accidental landfall on the South American coast for some, by the crown's secret design for others, Pedro Álvares Cabral would find and lead to the establishment of the colony of Brazil. Over the following decades, Portuguese sailors continued to explore the coasts and islands of East Asia, establishing forts and factories as they went. By 1571, a string of outposts connected Lisbon to Nagasaki: the empire had become truly global, and in the process brought great wealth to Portugal.

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Land or Mediterranean Sea routes were too expensive and dangerous and were dominated by other powers, first Italian Republics, later the Ottomans, even more after the fall of Constantinopla in 1453.

Besides, one should remember that one of the reasons to those expeditions around Africa was also to find the legendary Christian kingdom of the Prester John, that was thought to exist somewhere between India and Africa.

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They were the fist one to sail because they wanted to :)

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Q: In the 1400 Portuguese sailed along the coast of west Africa where were they heading and why?
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