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The sextant is used in celestial navigation.

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An Astrolabe.

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Q: Instrument for taking altitude of sun or stars?
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The astrolable was associated with?

It is an astronomical instrument for taking the altitude of the sun or stars

What instrument measures the altitude of the sun?

A sun altimeter, also known as a solar altitude instrument, is commonly used to measure the altitude of the sun. This instrument can help determine the sun's position in the sky, which is important for various applications such as navigation, astronomy, and solar energy systems.

What is Astrolable?

An astrolabe is an ancient astronomical instrument used to measure the altitude of stars and other celestial bodies. It allowed sailors and astronomers to determine their position on Earth based on the position of the stars. Astrolabes were widely used from classical antiquity through the medieval period.

What instrument is used to measure sun's altitude?

what are all the instruments use to measure altitude

What is a backstaff?

A backstaff is a an early navigational instrument for measuring the altitude of the sun and hence calculating latitude.

How do you you use astrolabe in a sentence?

The scientist used an astrolabe to find the altitude of the sun and stars.

What does the astrolabe measure?

It is a mediaeval instrument for measuring the altitude of the sun and other sky objects, now replaced by the sextant.

What is the definition of astrolabe?

An astrolabe is an ancient astronomical instrument used to measure the altitude of stars and other celestial bodies in the sky. It consists of a flat disk with various scales and rotating arms used to make calculations for navigation, timekeeping, and surveying. Astrolabes were commonly used by astronomers and navigators before the advent of modern instruments such as the sextant.

What instrument made it possible for sailors to calcute their position by the sun and stars?

The sextant and the clock.

What explorers used a quadrant?

Explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan used a quadrant, a navigational instrument, to measure the altitude of celestial bodies like the sun or stars to determine their position at sea. This helped them navigate and map their way during their explorations.

How does a backstaff work?

A backstaff is a navigational instrument used to measure the altitude of the sun. It consists of a graduated arc and two vanes, one of which is moved to block the sun's image as it is reflected onto a mirror. By aligning the shadow of the vane with the horizon, sailors can determine the sun's altitude and calculate their latitude.

What are the altitudes of stars when they are seen halfway in the sky?

The altitude of stars does not change, no matter where they are seen in the sky. The closest star is about 25 TRILLION miles away from Earth (not counting the sun)