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Q: Is Barack Obama going to ban Star Wars?
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BARACk fEElSz thAt NO WARS ShOUld BE GOiNG ON ANd thE CiVil RiGhtSz NEEd tO BE ChANGEd =] ( i GUESSEd*]

Did Barack Obama support the Iraq and Afghanistan wars?

Yes he did, he wanted all the wars to stop !!!! NP

What was the war that is associated with Barack Obama?

In 2009, Barack Obama announced an 18-month withdrawal window from operations in Iraq. Recently, he announced plans to withdraw from Afghanistan by 2014. Both of these wars were started during the Bush Administration as a part of the overall War on Terror. In short, Barack Obama is associated with the War on Terror .

How long has Star Wars been going?

Star wars first came out in 1977

Is ashoka going to be in Star Wars episode7?

No, because there will be no Star Wars Episode VII

Is there going to be a Star Wars the force unleashed 3?

yes but there's not going to be star wars the force unleashed 4

Who is George Lucas?

He is the creator of Star Wars and Indiana Jones and he directed two of the six Star Wars movies and produced the rest.

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Are there going to be no wars while Barack Obama is in office?

It is impossible to predict, since there are always threats in the world, and presidents need to be prepared at a moment's notice to defend the country. President Obama did not start any wars during his first term in office, and in fact, he ended our involvement in the Iraq War, which was begun by President Bush. Mr. Obama is also ending our involvement in Afghanistan as well.

What is the new Star Wars going to be about?

There will be no more official Star Wars movies. The story is over.

Where can i get information about star wars?

I recommend going to the Star Wars Wikia website known as Wookieepedia

When is Lego Star Wars 3 going to be out?

Lego star wars three the clone wars has been released I believe.