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According to 2011 estimates reported in Wikipedia, the United States has a little over nine times as many people as Canada.

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11y ago


US: 313,232,000

Canada: 33,910,000

USA has 9.2 times more people

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Q: Is the US slightly less than ten times larger in population size than Canada?
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Does Canada have more population then united states?

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As noted in the expert answers: Canada has a larger surface area than the USA. Canada has a much smaller population than the USA. With 3 expert answers, this can be retired from the featured questions.

How many times bigger is the population of US than the population of Canada?

The US has has a larger reproduction rate throughout history as well as a migration rate. The US' reproduction rate is about 1% while Canada's is about .8%, but currently Canada's migration rate is about 1 more than that of the US.

How many times larger is the US population than Canada?

Based on the July 2014 population estimates released by Statistics Canada and the U.S. Census Bureau, the size of the United States population is about 8.97 times the size of the Canadian population. The size of the population of California, the most populous U.S. state, is about 9.18% greater than the size of the population of Canada.

Is the population of Canada higher than the US?

The US has a much larger population than that of Canada. The US has a population of approximately 313,000,000 people and Canada approximately 34,000,000 people. More people live in the state of California (38,000,000) than in the country of Canada.

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Canada's area is 119 times larger than that of Austria.

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I think New Times Roman is.