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1 centistroke = 0.96 centipoise

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Q: Relationship between centipoise and centistoke
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viscosity is the fluid resistance against flowoil viscosity units is centipoise or centistoke (cp)

What is a centistroke?

The correct spelling is centistoke. The ratio of a absolute viscosity of a liquid in centipoise to the density. It is a cgs unit of kinematic viscosity in customary use that is one hundredth of a stokes.

How do you convert from pascal seconds to centistokes for viscosity?

Centipoise divided by specific gravity is equal to centistokes. Centipoise divided by specific gravity is equal to centistokes. Centipoise divided by specific gravity is equal to centistokes. Centipoise divided by specific gravity is equal to centistokes.

What is the abriviation for centistoke?


What is a centipoise?

I doing a science poject amd I don't now what a centipoise

What is centipoise?

I doing a science poject amd I don't now what a centipoise

How do you convert brix to centipoise?

26 Brix to CPS

What si the viscosity of corn syrup?

2000 centipoise

What is the density and viscosity of glycerol at 20 degrees Celsius?

About 1500 (centipoise)

Which chemical is added to water to increase its viscosity to 40 centipoise?

polyacrylamide & XANTHANUM GUM

What chemical will you add to water to increase the viscosity to 40 centipoise?

polyacrylamide or xanthanum gum

What is the viscosity of saltwater?

At 30 degrees Fahrenheit, the viscosity of sea water is typically around 1.880 centipoise. (1 centipoise = 0.001 Pa·s = 1 mPa·s) --------------------------- Viscosity is 1.88? is there any reference please?