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Q: Should scientists be allowed to clone humans yes?
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Why should scientsist not clone humans?

Scientist should not be able to clone humans because it's to difficult to tell the original human from the clone.

Are you allowed to clone humans in the UK?

Not in the UK, not anywhere thank God!!

Should scientists be permitted to clone humans?

This matter involves important moral and ethical issues. For the time being, the answer must be "no"; but that is not to say that we should not allow embro and/or stem-cell research.

Why should we clone?

cloning should be banned for humans but people pay to have there pets cloned.

Have scientists tried to clone the Tasmanian forester kangaroo?

No. There is no need for scientists to clone the Tasmanian Forester kangaroo, as its population is healthy enough. Scientists have only tried to clone the Thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) in attempts which have, to date, been unsuccessful.

Scientists will be able to clone people someday?

It is very possible that scientists will be able to clone people some day. The laws will stipulate how the cloning can be done.

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Why do you clone DNA?

Scientists wanted to clone sheep to ultimately learn how to clone a human. But after the failure of cloning the sheep Dolly, many people went against it and cloning against humans is banned in some areas and frowned upon in most.

When did Scottish scientists clone a lamb?

July 1996

When Scientists clone do they kill the clones that dont turn out?


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Can You clone anything? As in humans,specify plus they are dead