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Q: Suggestion that violence can never be justified?
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Is violence ever justified?

It is an extremely subjective question to ask if violence can ever be justified and everyone has a different answer. The question has been argued about in philosophy for centuries.

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No. Discrimination is NEVER justified.

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Jonh Adams

Which American leader believed that the violence if the French Revolution was justified?

John Adams

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Slavery can never be justified.

Montresor should have killed fortunato?

Seeking revenge through violence is never justified. Killing Fortunato would have been a cruel and inhumane act, perpetuating a cycle of violence and harm. Montresor's actions should have focused on seeking forgiveness and reconciliation instead.

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That wouldn't change history at all.

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How were the suffragettes viewed by the public?

some of the public thought that the violence they used was justified for their cause but some people thought that the violence was the wrong way to go to get what they wanted.

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Can you explain De Beauvoir's claims that some form of violence against others is inevitable and that under certain conditions violence can be morally justified?

De Beauvoir argues that in some situations, violence may be inevitable as a response to oppressive structures that perpetuate inequality. She suggests that violence can be morally justified when used as a means to resist and challenge systems of oppression that deny individuals their freedom and agency. However, she does not condone violence that is used for purely destructive or oppressive purposes.