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Generally, there is no age at which a child can choose. A custody order lasts until a child is eighteen. It would be impossible for courts to entertain requests from children. Courts are already overburdened with family law cases. That's unfortunate for many children who are really in need of a change.

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18. Assuming that parent will take them; they're not obligated to.

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Q: What age can children chose to live with other parent?
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When do you become a step parent?

It's not a legal title, it's when you are in a relationship and live with the biological parent and take upon yourself the role of a parent towards their children and it's accepted by the parent that you do so.

How old do you have to be to choose what parent to live with if you live in Australia?

I am not sure about Australia, but in the US judges will take into consideration the request.This usually goes along with the kids desire to live with a parent, If the child appears to be genuine in their requests (in other words,is the child trying to get back at the other parent) and can the other parent provide for the kid. Is the other parent willing and able to care for thie kid. If this is something that you realy want to do,and you can talk with the parent you live with try that route first. If that is not an option, then start looking on line for the laws in Austraila that concerns about kids living with the other parent. You library is a good place to look also. There are many books on this subject. If you know of a lawyer,like maybe a freinds dad, or relative that are lawyers, ask them also. Hope this helps.

If One parent has full custody but child wants to live with noncustodial parent?

They recently changed the laws of custody, No one parent has full custody UNLESS they see the other parent as unstable and unfit. If the parent you want to live with has been deemed unfit as a parent then it will have to be taken to court or you can contact certain child organizations to give you more details about how to leave your current home and return to the home of an "unfit parent" However if one parent obtained full custody of the child and the other parent was not deemed unfit as a parent, you may still live with them because of the recent change in custody laws, stating no one parent can have full or primary custody. (in other words, if your mom has full custody and your dad has none ((Also assuming the father hasn't been charged with being a drug addict, alcoholic, or financially unstable etc.)) you may live with the father)

Legal age limit of children sleeping in the same bed as parent in the UK?

Where practical, at the age of 11 the children must have another room to sleep

Can Autistic children choose which parent they want to live with?

No. Autism gives no special power to select a custodial parent. If a decision must be made and it cannot be made with the consent and agreement of the parents then the court will decide.

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Can children speak to judge concerning what parent they want to live with NJ?

I live in Maine. I went throught a divorce in 05. My children were 11 and 13 years old. They got to choose which parent they wanted to live with. They chose the one who had less rules, no discipline, no structure and didn't work.

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hi. what age can my son chose to live, with which parent

How do you get interm custody?

In order to get interim custody, you will need to petition the court. When children live with one parent, and the other has visitation, but there is no order in place, the parent whom the children live with has what is called defacto custody.

Can a minor chose which parent they want to live with?

yes.usually if your fifteen or older

What can you do if you want to live with your other parent but the one you are living with will not let you because of the other's significant other?

Minor children have little recourse in deciding which parent they want to live with. They do, however have the right to express their preference/feelings to the judge.

What age does a child have to be to chose if they want to live with a parent or grandparent?

maybe 19

How old is a child when they can chose which parent they want to live with in Virginia?

see link below

If you leave one parent and go live with the other can you get your things from the other parent?

depends on the other parent and the one your going to live with

Can a childrens father have your children covered under medicaid and get food assistance when the children live with the other parent?

Programs such as Medicaid and food assistance generally require that the children live with the parent who's getting the assistance. However, this can become hard to sort out in a joint custody situation.

What age can a child choose which parent to live with in NJ?

it is up to you if you want to grant your child permission to chose which parent to live with, in the state of NJ they do not give minors this power

At what age must a child be in the state of fl to chose which parent to live with?

See related link

What should you do if you want to live with your grandma but your mom won't let you?

Children live with their parent or parents. Your parent has the final say.