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It can distract students. For example, you can be trying to engage in a friendly conversation with a person that has an iPod in, but you're completely ignored. Next, electronics can be easily stolen. For example. Students that bring personal property on the school premises, is bringing it at their own risk. Secondly, if an electronic was stolen the students would be disappointed. My final risk is the whole point of going to school is to learn, not listen to music or text your friend across the room. Obviously. electronics in school is a bad idea

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Q: What are 5 reasons why electronics shouldn't be allowed in school?
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Yes, you should be allowed to smoke on school property. As long as your away from people who dont want to smell the wonderful smell of burning tobacco, you should be allowed. At my school, you are allowed to smoke in the parking lots which is a good idea. It keeps kids from sneaking around school smoking in places that maybe they shouldnt.

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Some schools do actually allow electronics, as long as you use it for educational purposes or for other important issues. But schools usually don't as the electronic device can be stolen, the blame could be directed to the school, or bullying reasons (boasting, etc) and other reasons.

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electronics should be allowed at school, like kids could use them at lunch, they are not allowed cause people, are wierd. and think that they can have them ? but kids cant ? . yeh we should be able to ! . so. if anyone sees this should think this is right (Y) . THEY SHOULD BE ALLOWED . like atleast at lunch or like after school ? . like what is something happens ? . teachers get blamed ? yuppp !. thanks .Should_electronics_be_allowed_at_schoolRead more: Should_electronics_be_allowed_at_school

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We shouldnt go on a saturday

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yes they should be

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