

Best Answer

I'm Sorry But I Know The Physical Features:

Western Canada Physical:

1)Great Plains

2)Niagra Falls

3)Interior Plains

Central Canada Physical:

1)Central Flatlands

2)Hudson Bay Lowlands

Eastern Canada Physical:

1)Canadian Shield

2)Laurentian Mountains

3)Lake Superior


No Problem! ^-^

-Gabrielle C.

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14y ago
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10y ago

Canada is a Confederation of many Nations, each with many cultures and those cultures are from around the world. So the non-material cultures in Canada are those of the world.

But as a multi-generational Canadian with about 400 years of family history here I can speak to some aspects of some non-material culture found in Canada.

Individualism and freedom is an important one. Some older Canadian cultures (not all) respect the individual and their right to be an individual. To Canadians, particularly those from older rural or remote parts of Canada this means the right to be left alone, among other things.

This is the foundation of the idea that people should come to Canada and not be forced to become Canadian but to become their own form of Canadian. That is a very different idea and we are still working out the details but we have hopes that it will work. It is what we think makes Canada so attractive, well that and our money, we are richer than many other countries.

Of course if new Canadians do not accept our ideas and goals, which include equal rights for individuals regardless of race, gender, religion and many other attributes then it might not work out well but the idea that it is worth the risk is part of the non-material culture of many Canadians.

So we have an open or loose culture in which people are allowed to be different.

Of course that is changing. As Canadians have increasingly shallower roots in Canada (about 40% of Canadians are not born in Canada or have at least one parent not born in Canada) and as they concentrate in dense urban environments, Canadian cultures, even the old ones, are becoming tight cultures that impose an increasing number of restrictions on individuals.

An example is our gun laws. Guns are very Canadian, at one time all Canadian households had firearms except in the few cities. Even as recent as the middle of the 20th century most Canadians lived in a rural or farming environment and owned or their household owned at least one firearm. Previous to that Canada was explored and settled with firearms, they were tools that opened the land, fed our people, and were often used for entertainment or sport, even rights of passage to adulthood. Firearms are part of our culture and freedoms.

New Canadians are usually from cultures that have lived under dictatorships or Royalty or are from urban countries where firearms are not used as tools or for sport. Adding to them are Canadians that no longer live in the country or ever travel into any wilderness where they would be at risk and Canadians who for political reasons want to ban all forms of self defense. All of these Canadians have lost their cultural connection to firearms or have different connections. Those anti-firearm ideas only a few generations ago would be considered very unCanadian but are becoming common and so are the demands to have Canadians change their culture to better match those of cultures outside of Canada.

So even in this answer, to which others will add more, it is difficult to say what the non-material culture of Canada is because there is no one Canadian culture.

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