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Q: What city receives more intense sunlight in June Santiago Chile or Toronto Canada?
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Which city receives more intense sunlight in June Santiago Chile or Toronto Canada?


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The equator is an imaginary line showing the part of the world where sunlight hits most intensely. Any area near the equator receives more intense sunlight, causing the climate to be hotter.

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The reason why montreal candians and the toronto maple leafs are such intense rivals is the toronto maple leafs regularly trounced by the triumphant canadiens,

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Sub tropical deserts receive the most intense sunlight.

Factors that causes sunlight intensity to vary in different places of the world?

The primary factor is the angle at which sunlight hits a place on earth. The most intense sunlight is when the sun is directly overhead. The least intense sunlight is when the sun is on the horizon. Other factors are cloud cover and smog.

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How does the angle at which sunlight strikes earth surface affect the intensity of the sunlight?

The more acute the angle at which the sunlight strikes, the more atmosphere that sunlight must pass through. Passing through more atmosphere will weaken and dim the light beams. As the angle at which sunlight hits the earth changes, the same amount of sunlight is spread over different areas, so that near the poles each area of surface receives less intense radiation than an equivalent area near the poles.

Which type of climate receives the most intense solar energy?

Tropical Climate because it receives a lot of the intense solar energy and it is also most likely to be found near the equator where the sun is directly giving solar energy.

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Southern Hemisphere

Why is the mid day sun most dangerous?

When the sun is directly overhead, the sunlight is most intense.