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Sept. 22

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Q: What day does the Fall Equinox fall on this year?
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What is the scientific name of the first day of fall?

In North America, the first day of fall is considered to be on September's equinox. Every year, there is another equinox around March 20.

What is the difference between vernal and autumnal equinox?

The adjectives vernal and autumnal mean "of spring" and "of autumn (fall)" respectively. The equinox, when the day and night are even, occurs twice a year. Once in spring and once in autumn (fall) as we move from the extremes of the summer and winter solstices. Therefore we have a vernal equinox (in spring) and an autumnal equinox (in autumn/fall).

What day is the fall equinox on?

September 22nd

What is the name of first day of fall?

The northern hemisphere has two seasons at a time. In the northwest, the official first day of fall is September 21st. In the northeast, the official first day of fall is June 21st. Technically, though, if you looked at the real symptoms of fall, the first days of fall would be October 24th in the northwest and May 24th in the northeast.

What is the first day of fall also known as?

the autumnal equinox

What is another name for the first day of Spring?

That is the Vernal Equinox; as opposed to the first day of Fall's Autumnal Equinox.

What are the 2 days in the year when most places on earth have day and night of 12 hours?

spring and fall equinox

When will fall 2012 start?

technically fall starts on the exact same day every year, when the earth is in a particular part of the yearly orbit, the day is called the autumn equinox and is September 21st

What day in the year does fall begin?

This year it is September 22, at 5:18 pm, Eastern Daylight Time. This is the moment of the Autumnal Equinox.

What determines the first day of spring?

The Vernal Equinox determines the first day of spring. The Autumn Equinox is what determines the first day of fall.

How is earth tilted during an equinox?

The equinox is the only day of 12 hours of night and day. It Occurs every spring and fall.

What does the equinoxes mark?

In the northern hemisphere, the autumnal equinox marks the first day of fall. An equinox happens twice a year, when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal.