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Q: What does the Code of Hammurabi say about Economic stability?
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What is the central theme of the Hammurabi code of law?

Briefly. The Hammurabi code of law is similar to the ten commandments or most people would say Exodus but the theme was to obey, if not punishment

What came first the Hammurabi Code or the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments are traditionally thought to have been handed down in the fifteenth century BCE, although scholars say that they were actually written several centuries later. The Hammurabi Code is far older than that.

What was the main message throughout the code of laws?

If you're thinking Hammurabi, then I'd say that it's an eye for an eye.

Hammurabi was a good ruler?

Hammurabi was a good leader. He improved Babylon with his Code, The Code of Hammurabi. Saying if he is a good or bad leader is really a matter of opinions. But most would say he was a terrific leader. He lived longer than other people because he had the utmost care. His Code consisted of 282 laws. It introduced the custom of an "eye for an eye". That means that if you do something to me, it will be done to you. The Code was put together in about 1790 B.C.

What statement describes the code of Hammurabi?

The Code of Hammurabi is one of the oldest surviving text artifacts left from the Old Babylonian period. It is an early example of a fundamental law code that regulated government. In other words, it is an example of a very primitive, early form of a constitution.

What is difference between Code of Hammurabi to Laws of Manu?

The Code of Hammurabi was a Babylonian legal code from Ancient Mesopotamia that focused on retributive justice and punishments based on social class. The Laws of Manu, on the other hand, are ancient Indian religious texts that encompass social, moral, and legal codes for Hindu society, emphasizing duties and righteousness for individuals based on their caste and stage of life. Both legal codes reflect specific cultural contexts and moral principles of their respective societies.

Did Hammurabi's code say that not all people were treated equally in Babylon?

no it depended on your class the rich were favored

Which God did Hammurabi worship?

according to my text book it does not say anything about Hammurabi worshipping any god

Where did Hammurabi make the code of laws?


Why did Hammurabi say that Great God Murduck gave the code of law?

Marduk, the son of the God of Righteousness allegedly gave Hammurabi, who he considered an exalted prince because he was god fearing, the job of bringing the rule of righteousness to the land. The Code was deemed necessary in order to destroy the wicked, to better protect the weak and to make sure there was no evil doing.

What group or class of people were the least protected and least favored under the law of Hammurabi?

um he favored the rich, not the poor. it wasnt financially equal

How was Hammurabi code fair and unfair?

Hammurabi failed to recognize the value of human life. Let's say that one day a man kills another man.The killer would only have to pay a sum of money to bail himself out, but if a man steals he would have to die. He killed a human being. You cannot replace life. See how Hammurabi's laws were unfair? Hammurabi's laws were unjust and cruel.