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Q: What happens after your house is repossed?
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What happens if I can't payoff my car by the maturity date?

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What happens to repossed vehicles in Ireland?

they are sold off by auction houses such as Merlin and wilsons

What happens if you hide a car from being repossed?

That is what we call theft. And then you will be sued, your wages garnished and your credit destroyed.

If your house is repossed in the middle of the year do you have to pay the whole year property taxes?

No, just for the time you owned it.

Who is liable if parts are sold from a repossed car?

The person or company that repossed it.

What if your brother left a repossed vehicle in your driveway Its been there for 2 years What can you do?

easy, tow it down to his house and dump it THERE!

What happens if I Default on a business car loan?

the car will most likely be repossed and a court order issued against you for what is owing plus costs

Can a vehicle be repossed without notice?

They usually are.

What happens when you have your mobile home repossed an you still owe money?

do you owe money for a mortgage with a bank. if so then that is why the bank repossed your property in the first place, and the sale at auction will be at a price where the bank sells your house for the amount of the note you have with them. if you owe money to credit cards you are still liable to pay . any other bills you have no matter for whatreason you owe them, the only out you have is to declare bankrupcy and all your bills will disappear, if you want you can reapply for credit cards after 2 years and start all over again.

If your car gets repossed can you get your possessions that you had inside?


How do get your repossed car back in Arizona?

Pay what you owe.