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I live in Canada. I am an American citizen. I have a child and one on the way. My husband is abusive physically to my son. How do I leave him and come home to the U.S?


Seek legal advice here in Canada immediately.

Do not attempt to scoop the child and flee for the border. You could be charged with a serious criminal offence if you do so.

You would not be allowed to take the child across the border in any event without your husband's written consent.

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Q: What happens if you leave your husband and take your child in Canada?
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With no court orders What can happen if you leave your husband and take your child with you out of state?

He should file an injunction ordering the return of the child.

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It is if you never see your child because you are the rightful parent and deserve to see your child and this can be resolved by taking the person to court.

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Yea, but if your husband refuses to give you your child than you will most likely have to go to family court for coustdy

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Check with the military & laws of your state.

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kick him in the nuts and leave him

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If your husband's girlfriend is mature and responsible and your children like her then there is no reason the children can't be left with her. If you don't feel she is responsible to look after them or the children don't like her then have your husband return the children to you if he has to leave their residence.

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not necessarily it depends on Will's, contracts, debts and legal papers if it's in a will to leave processions to kids then it should happen depending on whether or not they were gifts and if the husband testifies the will you should contact a solicitor or lawer

Did your adult ADD cause you to leave your husband?

No, I do not have a husband!