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pirates could get a nasty disease called scurvy. it is caused by low vitamin c. Oranges are rich in vitamin c .

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Q: What ilnesses did the pirates get?
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they need to know how to diagnose people with ilnesses right :)

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She was affected with dementia in her last days of live but she lived a long life of 92.

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some ilnesses included quire people like you being absolute dogs and the cure was insest

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ilnesses from being unfit can be type 2 diabeties or you could suffer from a heart attack

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Pirates created pirates.

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firemen save lives daily whereas doctors treat minor ilnesses daily, surgeons get paid more than both

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Welcome to the grand opening of awesome world it has awesome shaped cottan candy and other stuff like that and I also really like Yogurtland fo you?

Do pirates steal ships?

it is what pirates do