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Q: What impact did Asoka conversion to Buddhism have on India?
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Who is Asoka and how did he lead India?

Asoka lead by the teachings of Buddhism and Ahimsa. He also practiced tolerance.

Where did Buddhism go after India?

After India Buddhism went to Srilanka (from King Asoka), China, Tibet, Japan etc

Three of the lands in Asia to which Buddhism spread?

ur mother I think its China, India and asoka.

Asoka is best known as the monarch of India who?

Converted to Buddhism and encouraged righteous living

Who was Asoka why was he important?

Emperor of India in the 3rd Century BCE, he converted to and promoted Buddhism.

What lands did Buddhism spread into?

It was spread. Asoka because he decided to relieve suffering rather than cro cause it. He sent Buddishm to China and Egypt.

What king rejected violence and embraced buddhism?

The king of India who rejected violence and embraced Buddhism is King Asoka. He was also regarded as the great Buddha king.

Who was known for his famous conversion to Buddhism?

Ashoka, the Mauryan emperor of India

What impact did Buddhism have on India?

this website gave me it had a great impact. it didn't even describe it.

What Indian ruler of the Maurya period tried to spread Buddhism beyond India?

Ashoka the Great

Who is the greatest ruler in India's history?

Asoka was the greatest ruler in Ancient India. He conversion to buddhism. He used the Buddhism ideals to guide his rule. He also set up hospital for both human (both poor and rich) and animals.

How did Buddhism and Hinduism and other ideas spread from India to other places?

Asoka sent missionaries to spread Buddhism and Hinduism spread because poets started writing hymns of praise to the gods Vishnu and Shiva.