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Biopsychological psychology is a branch of psychology concerned with the links between Biology and behavior.

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Q: What is biopsychological psychology?
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What are the four areas of psychology?

methods , biopsychological , developmental , cognitive, and sociocultural domain

What are the five major psychological perspectives?

Seven of the major psychological perspectives are: psychoanalytic, behaviorist, humanist, cognitive, neuroscientific/biopsychological, evolutionary and sociocultural.

What are the 6 modern views of psychology?

humanism, psychoanalytic, socioculteral, behaviorism, neurobiological, and cognitive.

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What is biopsychological perspective?

Neoroscientific/biopsychological perspective is a examined behavior through the lens of genetics and biological process in the brain and other parts of the nervous system.

What are the seven major psychological perspectives?

The six psychological perspectives are -The humanistic ApproachThe social learning theoryThe biological approachThe cognitive perspectiveThe behaiourist theoryThe psychoanyalitical Approach

What is the Relationships of psychology and chemistry?

Psychology and chemistry are related in two main ways. One, biopsychology - the approach to psychology that focuses on organic causes of psychological phenomena - uses various aspects of chemistry in order to explain various behaviors in humans. Two, the field of psychotropic medicine - the area that focuses on medication for treating psychological processes - conducts research based on biopsychological concepts and produces medications according to those concepts.

What is bio physiological psychology?

The biopsychological approach to Psychology looks mainly at how our behavior is affected by our body in a biological aspect.

What are the Contemporary approaches to psychology?

psychodynamic behaviorism humanism biophysiological cognitive I will add what I have: Neuroscience Cognitive Behavioral Humanistic Psychodynamic

What are all the branches and fields of psychology?

There are ten branches of Psychology not two. Abnormal Psychology; Behavioral Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Cognitive Psychology; Community Psychology; Developmental Psychology; Educational Psychology; Evolutionary Psychology; Legal Psychology; and Personality Psychology.

What are the different classification in Psychology?

classes of psychology are; educational psychology, industrial psychology, counselling psychology, clinical psychology, social psychology,experimental psychology, industrial psychology, physiology psychology, development psychology and engineering psychology.