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Some of the affects from World War 2 were 6 million dead Jews who would not be around to bear more kids or any kids. Hundreds of thousands of Europeans were left homeless, jobless, displaced, orphaned, starved and without a country or government.

There were positive affects in Europe however. The countries that did not become part of the Eastern Eurpean Communist Bloc became democratic countries with their own self rule and new economies. They were able to repair their nations and live in peace.

The affects of the Pacific Theater were millions dead in many countries and places. The POWS sufferred deplorable treatment and many died. Japan was defeated and eventually made into a democratic nation.

Women in New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States learned they could work at jobs, careers and they could be alone and handle home and businesses (many had to run their husband's businesses and farms.) The Women's Liberation movement was the direct result of World War 2.

Now since I was born in the late fifties I can brag that millions of babies were born during the Baby Boom when the men were glad to get home to their wives, fiances and gals.

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in a million ways. rationing, war effort, cities bombarded by all sides, fleeing from location to location, etc..

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15y ago

The Basic disadvantage of World War 2 was it has created the demand of Weapons and distructive elements of the Man kind.

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