le ministère des affaires étrangères - also known by the name 'le quai d'Orsay', after its address in Paris.
The French Foreign Legion.
A foreigner can only join the French Foreign Legion regiments. You cannot enlist with them from abroad, but you have to travel to France first, and to go through a selection process and selection tests. Your health and fitness will be tested. Terms and conditions are explained in link below (French Foreign Legion website - English version)
A local Tourist Information Office is called - un Syndicat d'Initiative, but in a town or a city it would be - un Bureau de Tourisme.
It is called a Kepi.
The principal's office in French is called "le bureau du directeur".
bureau à domicile
Foreign Office - Germany - was created in 1870.
a fun foreign game is a game called asbanbah. it is a Jewish game. There is also a French game called Boules, simaliar to the English game Bowls.
Foreign is "étranger" in French.
See: French Embassy and French Foreign Legion
Office of Foreign Assets Control was created in 1950.
French Foreign Legion was created in 1831.
Bon appétit is a French expression. This is not foreign for the French.
an office is un bureau in French.
French Foreign Legion - song - was created in 1958.