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Everything obeys Ohm's law - antennas, cables, Transformers, integrated circuits, etc.

AnswerIt is not true that 'everything' obeys Ohm's Law. For a device to obey Ohm's Law, the ratio of voltage to current MUST remain constant for variations in voltage. This is why Ohm's Law is a law of constant proportionality.
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Q: What is the name of conductor which obeys ohm's law?
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Example of a scientific law?

Current is proportional to the voltage provided the conductor is at the same temperature - Ohms Law There you go, hope this helped

Does ohms law state that current equals flow of electrons through a conductor?

No. Ohm's law relates voltage, current and resistance: V=IR. ("I" is the symbol for current.)

Identify the correct statement of Ohms Law?

Ohm's Law states that 'the current flowing along a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across the ends of that conductor, providing all physical conditions, such as temperature, remain constant'. Unfortunately, Ohm's Law applies to very few conductors and, so, hardly qualifies as a 'law' at all!

What law has ohms in it?

Ohm's Law states that Voltage = Current x Resistance. Usually written as V = I x RAnswerNot Ohm's Law, which makes no reference to resistance.Ohm' Law states that 'the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the applied voltage, providing the temperature of the conductor remains constant'.

How do you calculate 1.67 ohms?

ohms law.

The voltage drop in each resistance is?

V=IR by ohms law. Voltage across the resistor is the product of current flowing and resistance of the conductor at constant temperature.

What are Ohmic and Non - Ohmic conductor?

ohmic ocnductor is a material which obeys ohm's law: i.e. the voltage and current are directly proportional 2 each other anda non-ohmic ocnductor is a material which doesn't obey ohm's law:)

In Ohm law what must be greater to maintain the same current in a conductor with more resistance?

ohms law states V = I*R. If I is to remain the same, and R is increased, the voltage must also increase.

What are the factors of ohms law?

Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points, and inversely proportional to the resistance between them

What state of mater obeys Boyle's law?

That Law applies to the Gas phase.

What are sources of errors in experiment to verify ohm's law?

Sources of errors in experiments to verify Ohms law can be as simple as temperature or pressure. These errors can also be caused by length and diameter of the conductor being used in the experiment.

What does Ohms law mean?

Ohm's law is named after the German physicist Georg Ohm. It states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points.