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Source code is the category of computer language instructions that is most frequently written and read by software programmers. A computer cannot generally run a program in source code form though. The source code is translated, with the use of an assembler or compiler, into a language form that contains instructions to the computer known as object code. Object code consists of numeric codes specifying each of the computer instructions that must be executed, as well as the locations in memory of the data on which the instructions are to operate. While source code and object code are commonly referred to as different classes of computer language, these terms actually describe the series of transformations a program goes through when being converted from a higher level language more easily comprehensible to humans to the lower level language of computer operations.

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Q: What is the relationship between source code and object code the relationship between assembly high level and low level languages as well as the relationship between compilers and intepreters?
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Forget it. Some compilers allow Assembly statements in C, but only for very special purposes (like OS kernels).

How come most assembly compilers are written in c?

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All compilers were not written in C. Some are written in Assembly Language.

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Assembly languages are low level languages, sometimes also called machine-level languages.

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They don't. All compilers produce machine code by default, with the exception of the Java compiler which emits Java byte code suitable for interpretation by the Java virtual machine at runtime. What you call assembly is actually the disassembled machine code. That is, the machine code produced by the compiler is translated into the equivalent disassembly. This is the code you see when you hit a breakpoint and examine the disassembled machine code. You will also see disassembly when debugging code for which no source code exists (as is the case with most 3rd party libraries). If you wish to view the actual assembly, along with your comments and source code, then you have to configure your compiler to emit assembly rather than the default machine code. You would do this if you wished to tweak the assembled code prior to final assembly, for instance, to take advantage of manual optimisations. However, modern compilers are capable of optimising code more efficiently and more easily than any human can so there's rarely a need to manually optimise.

What do mnemonics mean?

High-level languages are converted into machine code using translation software, which is commonly included with programming software. Compilers and interpreters are the terms for these translators. Compilers and interpreters are used to translate programmes. To learn more about data science please visit-

Is dotnet a framework or a language?

A framework. It uses an intermediate language(called MSIL) similar to java byte code. You compiler for whatever language you like compiles to MSIL instead of x86 assembly. C#,C++, and Visual Basic are the languages typically used but there are other .NET compilers for python, ruby, etc. It is a framework and it's suports multiple languages

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The assembly language does not support object oriented program so they change to c and c++ the c++ will support object oriented program this are the demerits of assembly language.

Types of assembly?

There are several different assembly languages. Some examples are MIPS, 86x, and RISK.

What are the examples of assembly languages?

Fortran & Pascal

What programming languages are operating systems written in?

C and Assembly.