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Q: What ocean did Henry Hudson travel through?
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Which ocean was Henry Hudson sailing in when he died?

Henry Hudson was set adrift in Hudson's Bay, in northern Canada which is linked to the Arctic Ocean.

Why was Henry hudsons exploration so significant?

Henry Hudson expanded human knowledge through his explorations of the Pacific Ocean.

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Did Henry Hudson explore the Arctic Ocean?


Which way did Henry Hudson travel?

Hudson thought that the huge body of water must have been the Pacific Ocean, but it was actually a large bay. a 1610-1611 trip through the Hudson Strait and into the Hudson Bay ended in mutiny.

What route did Henry Hudson take?

Henry Hudson traveled across the Atlantic Ocean. He passed through the southern tip of Greenland into a narrow water way that is today known as the Hudson Strait. This journey took Henry and his crew to an area of water that is know named Hudson Bay. They traveled south into James Bay.

When did Henry Hudson explore the Arctic Ocean?

In 1609

Hudson explored all the following except?

If you just thought about it, it would present itself... but the answer is Arctic Ocean, because he had to explore the Hudson Bay, it was a bay named after Henry Hudson! St. Lawrence River had many reference to Henry Hudson exploration! And Henry Hudson never really had any reason to explore the Arctic Ocean!

Which ocean did Henry Hudson sail across?

the sea lol

Who discovered Hudson Bay in 1610?

Henry Hudson. He thought that it was the northern passage to the Pacific Ocean that he had been ordered to explore. Local Indian tribes had told them that there was an ocean on the other side of the Bay, but it turned out that they had mistaken the Great Lakes for the ocean.

What is the body of water that separates western quebec from eastern Nunavut?

The Hudson Bay because the Atlantic Ocean goes through the countries and it looks like a bowl so they named it the Hudson Bay. Also, because Henry Hudson traveled through there to find the Northwest Passage Way to get to the Pacific Ocean to trade. Henry's sailors abounded him while a harsh winter came and every thing froze. So they threw him over board he was on his own for a long period of time. Henry Hudson died in the Hudson river named after him. Hope you had a good time reading my paragraph! :)

What did Henry Hudson achieve when he was in North America?

He final found the Pacific ocean.