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Q: What page did pony boy snap at the three socs?
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What does pony - boy do to the socs at the end that is ironic?

they stink

When did pony get jumped by the Socs in the outsiders?

because he was different

Why does pony shower before the rumble?

They wanted to show the Socs theyweren't trash,that they were just as good as the Socs were.

What does pony do when he sees the Socs in chapter 12?

Pony takes a pop bottle and brakes it to use as a weapon.

What does pony think darry will be on day in the outsiders?

Pony thinks Darry could be a "socs" if it wasn't for the gang.

In the book outsiders did pony boy get jumped in the first chapter?

They were Socs.

How does pony boy feel about fighting?

to see who will rule their hood (greasers or socs) and he has a concussion because one of the socs kick him in the head

How does ponyboy react to the three socs and how is this a dramatic change from ponyboy you have seen up until this time?

When ponyboy sees the three socs get out of their car he smashes the eng of his pop bottle and threatens them. This is different then the old pony because he was always quiet and never voluntarily used violence.

Who (Greasers or Socs) do you think was wrong in the situation in the chapter?

For me, I think the Socs is wrong in the situation because they drowned ponyboy and johnny just helped ponyboy ..Wish it helps you :)

What does Pony mean when he says the socs were reeling pickled on page 54?

They were drunk.

In the outsiders how are the greasers and socs seen by society?

Johnny was the greaser that was badly beaten by the socs - which we later come to find is Bob and his gang.

What two groups of teenagers does pony boy describe?

the greasers and the socs