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Q: What state supported Henry Hudson?
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Why did the UK support Henry Hudson?

the united kingdom supported Henry Hudson because Henry was going to explore north America

What country supported Henry Hudson in their explortion?

England and the Netherlands

Who supported Henry Hudson?

The Netherlands and England at different times.

What country claimed henry hudson's discovery?

Henry Hudson discovered the state of New York and the Hudson Bay. His discoveries were claimed by the country of Holland.

What state did henry hudson discover?


What state is the Henry Hudson river in?

new york.

Who founded the New York state?

Henry Hudson

Which state named a river after Henry Hudson?

New York

Who discovered the state New Jersey?

Sir Henry Hudson

What state was claimed by Henry Hudson for Holland?

New Amsterdam

Which explorer claimed for Holland much of what is now the state of New York?

Captian Henry Hudson first explored the harbor and the river area of what is now New York City on September 11, 1609.

What is Henry Hudson's signature?

Henry Hudson