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Q: What things did the black codes restrict in Florida?
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How did southern state governments restrict the rights of former slaves after the Civil War?

Passing black codes.

What resulted from former confederate leaders gaining power under Johnson's reconstruction?

They instituted black codes to restrict African American rights.

What did many southern states use to limit civil rights during reconstruction?

black codes

What was the name given to a group of southern laws after the US Civil War?

The black codes were southern laws passed after the US Civil War which were designed to restrict freed blacks' activity.

When do I use teflon plumbing tape?

When the local codes allow its use on the piping as some codes do restrict the use of tape

What caused African Americans to be treated like slaves under president Johnson's for Reconstructions?

The Black Codes

What were 2 things did black codes try to accomplish?

The main purpose of the black codes was to regain power over the blacks and use the law to do so.

How did the black codes affect the freedmen?

It limited them in all that they did and gave them less freedom. Black codes wer rules and restrictions on freedmen. It made them have to carry a pass to go places and limited them of many things.

Black Codes?

Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of the newly freed black slaves

The new black codes allowed the blacks to do what five things?

The Southern black codes most restricted the rights of freed slaves. However, a few things they allowed were the rights to own property, make contracts, keep the money they earned, use the legal system, and have protection under the law.

What were black codes and poll taxes?

No. The black codes (later to be known as Jim Crow laws) were regulations designated for freedmen. Under these codes, their economic rights were restricted, they were not allowed to vote, they weren't allowed to hold office or serve on a jury, or have a public education.

Who was adversely affected by the black codes?

Black people were adversely affected by these black codes because the black codes limited the rights of African Americans.