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Frederick Douglas was a former slave that became a prolific writer in the middle to late 19th century in the United States. He wrote abolitionist papers and editorials urging the end to US slavery. He was also a proponent of women's' rights. His work is preserved at Library of Congress. He became a publisher and lectured on human rights. He was a man ahead of his time. He was so well known that President Lincoln invited him to his second inauguration ball.

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Douglass spent his time as an abolitionist lecturing, writing, and meeting with government officials during the Civil War trying to convince the powers that be to put blacks in uniform and let them fight. Eventually, over 250,000 blacks served in the Union armies.

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Q: What were Frederick Douglass's contribution to the abolitionist movement?
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What year did Frederick Douglass learn about the abolitionist movement?

in the 1830s

Who was the former slave became a leader in the abolitionist movement in the US?

Frederick Douglass

Who was a former slave who became a leader of the abolitionist movement in the US?

Frederick Douglass

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Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X and Harriet Tubman started the Abolition Movement

What was the abolitionist newspaper called that influenced Frederick?

The abolitionist newspaper that influenced Frederick Douglass was called "The Liberator," founded by William Lloyd Garrison. Douglass was inspired by the paper's anti-slavery message and became an active supporter of the abolitionist movement.

Who was Frederick duglass?

Frederick Douglass grew up a slave and became a prominent philosopher in the abolitionist movement because of his powerful writings and speeches.

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What impact did Frederick Douglass have on Progressive era reforms?

Frederick Douglass was an active reformer in some of the most important movements of the 19th Century. He was, first and foremost, an abolitionist leader. Later he became active in the women's suffrage movement.

What were Frederick Douglas contributions to the abolitionist movement?

he crapped on trees and cut slavery and gigity gigity gooded little girls

What was Harriet Beecher Stowes contribution to the abolitionist movement?

Harriet Beecher Stowe's contribution to the abolitionist movement was her novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which depicted the harsh realities of slavery, awakened the public's conscience to the cruelty of slavery, and helped to fuel the abolitionist cause in the United States. The novel had a significant impact in galvanizing anti-slavery sentiments and fostering support for the end of slavery.

What did Frederick Douglass do after the war?

he keep fighting for African Americans rights lol <3

How long did Frederick Douglass live?

Frederick Douglass lived from 1818 until 1895. He was around during the time of slavery, and after escaping as a slave, he became a leader of the abolitionist movement.