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Q: What were the nations along the coast of north Africa to which the US paid a yearly tribute?
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What was the name given to the nations along the coast of north Africa to which the US paid yearly tribute?

British isles

What is the yearly salary for the President of The United Way?

They yearly salary for the President of the United States is $400,000 along with other benefits.

What nations were European?

England, France, Portugal and Spain were all European imperialist nations or empires. England wanted to expand, while Spain and Portugal fought for Africa. France wanted both, along with new places and ideas.

What European nations were imperialist?

England, France, Portugal and Spain were all European imperialist nations or empires. England wanted to expand, while Spain and Portugal fought for Africa. France wanted both, along with new places and ideas.

On which continent is Libya located?

Africa - along the Mediterranean coast.

What are the neutral powers that were in world war 1?

norway sweden albania spain africa the netherlands cyprus Switzerland Africa was not neutral. It was entirely colonies, which fought along with their controlling nations. There was even an African front where the German and British colonies had their borders.

Where did Operation Torch of World War 2 take place?

Morocco and Algeria. They are independent nations today, but in World War 2 they (along with Tunisia) comprised French North Africa.

What is the desert that runs along Africa's southwestern coast?

The Namib Desert runs along the southwestern coast of Africa.

What is the longest sea in Africa?

The longest sea in Africa is Indian ocean along side with Somalia.

What is the name of the large desert that runs along the coast of Africa?

The Namib Desert is a large desert along Africa's southwest coast.

What was the main goal of early Portuguese exploration along the coast of Africa?

The portuguese wanted to find gold along the coast of Africa

What is the name of the largest that runs along Africa's southwestern coast?

The only desert that runs along the southwestern coast of Africa is the Namib.