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England, France, Portugal and Spain were all European imperialist nations or empires.

England wanted to expand, while Spain and Portugal fought for Africa. France wanted both, along with new places and ideas.

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Q: What European nations were imperialist?
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How and why does the rudyard kipling express that imperialist nations are helping imperialist nations?

Rudyard Kipling expressed the idea of imperialist nations helping each other through the phrase "the white man's burden," which implied that it was the duty of Europeans to civilize and uplift the non-European peoples they were colonizing. Kipling believed that imperialism was a moral undertaking, with imperialist nations providing education, infrastructure, and governance to supposedly "backward" societies in order to bring them into the modern world.

Which imperialist nations spread Christianity?

They were the European colonial powers: Spain, Portugal, Birtain, France, Germany and Belgium.

What did imperialist nations have in common in the 19th century?

The imperialist nations have in common in the 19th century was that they were industrialized.

How did imperialist nations expand and protect their interest around world?

Imperialist nations built up their armies and navies.

How did imperialist nations expand and protect their interests around the world?

Imperialist nations built up their armies and navies.

What nations were European?

England, France, Portugal and Spain were all European imperialist nations or empires. England wanted to expand, while Spain and Portugal fought for Africa. France wanted both, along with new places and ideas.

What was true about imperialist in Africa?

-Imperialist nations were interested in competing for influence without going to war.

What European nation was the imperialist power in Chad?

Chad was a colony of FRANCE during the Imperialist Period.

Imperialist nations divided china into?

spheres of influence

How did opening Japan to trade with the West aid Japan in its own imperialist ambitions?

Japan at the time of its opening had no imperialist ambitions. The purpose of opening japan was to use its ports as coaling stations, prevent the maltreatment of us/european sailors shipwrecked there and eventually develop it as a market. It was initially a victim of the imperialist designs of other nations (though this changed over time).

Why did European nations want to establish imperialist control in Africa?

"africa has a allot of natreral recourses that their counrties didnt like dimonds" *Africa *a lot *natural *resources *countries *didn't *diamonds

What did imperialist nations most look for in a colony?

undeveloped natural resources