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Most of the times marriages in rural society are emotionally forced. However, in urban society it is much better.

In India parents of the bride and groom 'marry' each another along with the boy and girl.

The girls and the boys are held as immature brats meant to jump to bed to procreate babies in their names so that they become grandmothers and grandfathers sooner than later under their strict guidance in the caste-laden society with the transfer of wealth (Dahej- dowry) between parents and a good share donated (Dan-dakshana) to the Hindu clergymen who solemnize the marriage according to the Janam-patri (Birth chart and caste). Hindu clergymen and their supporters cascade problems for those who do romantic marriage. Forced marriages usually result into domestic violence because the boy and the girl are blind-folded into marriage by their parents with whom they are obliged for rearing. Quick negotiation for wealth transfer is done by the parents and forced into marriage which eventually results into domestic violence and the husbands falling victim to the Indian Dowry Act (IPC 498a) ruining their lives. The idle housewives usually enjoy favor in the Hindu-dharma-society with Hindu clergymen acting as Rama (Lord) and the husband proclaimed as the Ravana (demon) fit to go to jail under the non-bailable, non-compoundable law.

The girls and the boys are hardly given anytime to understand each other before marrying, what to speak about the few months or few years of dating to read each other's mind. Indians see each other's body and marry under parental and social pressure of segregation by all other 'kayaris' (castes - who are themselves determined to marry in their own 'kayari') - having no regard to any other human qualities.

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In their teens.

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Q: When did Indians get married?
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