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With the exception of working in mineral extraction Roman slaves probably had it better. A Roman slave could earn his freedom or advance himself which was not the case with plantation slaves in the deep south.

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Q: Where roman slaves treated worse then American slaves?
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The French slave owners in Haiti had made a business decision that it was cheaper to treat slaves badly and then replace them with new slaves after they were worked to death, whereas American slave owners generally found it more profitable to keep their slaves in relatively good condition and thereby get more work out of them.

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ya cuz sum worked in the slave owners houses and were treated better, but some worked in the fields and stuff so they were treated worse.

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It was brutal because Stalin didn't regard human life and treated his subjects worse than slaves.

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A major event was the conflict between the North and South about how African Americans should be treated. The South thought they should be slaves while the North thought opposite. Fights began to go through and it got worse and worse until a war began.

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I read somewhere that as time went on slavery became worse however, from a slaves first hand account I found out that some had better food and housing that poorer Europeans did.

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they were both treated the way nobody or anything should be treated. it doesnt matter because it was a huge mistake and embarassing and so many innocent people died because of the evil hatred-filled people who tortured them.

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How did the life of an immigrant compare to the life of a slave?

They can be similar in some ways, but different in others. Immigrants can be treated badly because of their citizenship which is sometimes called 'modern day slavery'. Immigrants can sometimes be beaten or treated with cruelty, but not always. It depends on the conditions the immigrants are working on. But slaves are usually treated very badly because they are slaves and known to be treated as people wish because of human selfishness. So generally, slaves are treated much worse. Hope this helps.Answer kindly provided by Denis Ianev.