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It is entirely dependent on the difficulty and the amount of time it takes you to complete the level.

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Q: Which mission in left 4 dead has the most zombies?
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What is the music in Shaun of the Dead called?

There are several pieces of music in Shaun of the Dead. However the most famous one, and my personal favourite, is Don't Stop me Now. This is on as they are in the Winchester killing zombies with pool cues.

In The Walking Dead did merle flud the original camp with zombies?

The original camp in Atlanta was not flooded intentionally by anyone, or as far as we know. However, the group had large fires and noise going on which most likely attracted the walkers. Walkers are attracted to smell, sound, and sight.

What was most memorable to you about Rob's first mission why was it memorable?


Why do the zombies in Zombieland eat people?

In return of the living dead the cause one of the zombies said they eat brains cause it hurts to be dead they can feel there bodies rotting. Zombies eat brains in the movies because that scares most people. Zombies eat brains so they can infect there zombie like state into the bodies of the living ie if you are bit you become a zombie --------------------------------------------------------------------- It would make a difference what type of zombie one was dealing with. For example, a juju zombie might eat brains because it is told to, as it requires no sustenance of any sort, being created by "magic". I'll assume that the question refers to infection zombies, often created by science in movies. Now infection zombies are probably not literally dead, but rather have a strongly modified metabolism. This is indicated by the fact that they are disiccated (giving them the 'zombie' face) and the fact that they eat at all. It also explains why zombies are easier to throw around and break apart than regular people. It's probably some form of aneorobic digestion, or even direct absorption of neurochemicals and cells, probably in an attempt to rebuild or maintain their nerve cells and brain (some zombie movies show the recently converted as maintaining most of their faculties, suggesting living brain tissue). It makes more sense than eating flesh or fats when you have no metabolism to speak of and easier access to flesh and lipids than running screaming teenagers. Additionally, it prevents zombies from massively multiplying since they tend to consume all the brain tissue of most of their targets before their fluids can 'gel'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer:: I read this after sitting in class wondering why zombies would eat brains, what happens after consumption, etc. Don't worry, I'm a professional. Or as professional as it gets. I'm a sixteen year old high school student and have watched multiple zombie movies, studied the art of blood and effect making, and follow George A. Romero's footsteps. I'm also the admin for 'I have thought at least once about what to do in a zombie invasion' on facebook. Zombies are originally from legends that voodoo artists in Africa would conjure the dead to rise again and do his/her bidding. The legend doesn't specify, but in order to keep these unliving bodies under his control, he had to feed it parts of human flesh. Flesh or brains, doesn't specify. George A. Romero was one of the first directors and writers to make this undead-based slave a topic in horror; that this re-animated corpse would come in masses and take over the living population. In his third film, Day of the Dead, a mad scientist studies these zombies and comes up with theories as to why they want to eat. The zombie 'virus' (also a topic of horror) kills the brain from front to back, but not the core where basic motor functions and primal instincts are governed. This is kept alive by the virus, thus the reason why zombies eat. Primal instincts being the system needs food to survive, not being specific in whether this food is brain, flesh, rat, mouse, etc. With this in mind, I answer the question: Zombies aren't eating brains in particular, just basic any food that fills the belly. Yom yom Eat em up! (Source: George A. Romero/Tom Savini movies)

Who has the most kills on The Walking Dead?


Related questions

What television shows feature dead zombies?

Television shows that feature dead zombies have been around for decades. The most popular show currently is, The Walking Dead. There was also a television show called "Zombie" but it was not rated high enough to stay on the air.

What horror movie has the most killed in it?

Zombie Movies like- Dawn of the Dead Shawn of the Dead Dead Meat Day of the Dead Explanation- Nearly everyone turns into zombies (which are Undead)

Who is the most known zombie?

One of the most well-known zombies in popular culture is George A. Romero's creation, the flesh-eating zombie featured in his "Living Dead" series of films, such as "Night of the Living Dead." These zombies have become iconic symbols of the horror genre.

Were do zombies come from?

Zombies are fictional creatures. In most literature they are dead people who have been reanimated (brought back to life) to some degree. In most current fiction a Zombie that comes back to life due to a an infection that was received before death. It is currently a popular area of fiction and can be seen on TV and in the movies. Specifically: - On AMC "The Walking Dead" - The movie "Dawn of the Dead" - The movie "I am Legend" with Will Smith - The movie "28 Days" There is also a religious aspect to Zombies. In Haiti some people believe they have become zombies or fear they will be turned into Zombies.

Are vikings dead?

most of them are but i think there are some left

Would you rather have Left 4 Dead or Gears of War 2?

left for dead is a good game dont get me wrong i have it but gears2 is so much better left for dead is fun to play with friends but the gameplay gets boring after a while all you do is shoot zombies over and over again and plus you only get about four guns in the game and theres really no srtategy to it.gears 2 on the other hand is great like the new horde mode,chainsaw battles,and new weapons.multiplayer is great and has solid story line.but there are a few downers like game laggs up most of the time and people all over online JUST TWO PEICE OVER AND OVER!!!so here are the results left for dead gears of war 2 zombies=yes zombies=no 4 player co-op=yes4 player co-op=yes many guns=no many guns=yes unessacary gore=yesunessacary gore=yes solid story=no solid story=yes

What is the point of The Walking Dead?

the point is some people like films about Zombies and its better that most zombie movies on the TV or DVD so far

What is the music in Shaun of the Dead called?

There are several pieces of music in Shaun of the Dead. However the most famous one, and my personal favourite, is Don't Stop me Now. This is on as they are in the Winchester killing zombies with pool cues.

Which is the best DLC pack for Zombies on Black ops 2. I only want the DLC for Zombies so which one has the most Zombie stuff in it and do any of them continue from Green Run?

Buried and mob of the dead are the best maps I ever played.

How many zombies can you have in zombie cafe?

10 zombies are the most you can have in Zombie Cafe.

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What kind of zombies are on red dead redemption undead nightmare?

The retcher, Bruiser, and Bolter, along with regular type.