

Best Answer

Courtney is played by Emilie-Claire Barlow

born on June 6, 1976 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Q: Who plays cortney in total drama island?
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Does Cortney come back on total drama island?

yes at the last episode with everybody else

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If you get voted off you can never ever ever come on again srry.Lump lump kaddodle.

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The total drama island special called total drama drama drama drama island is not available on itunes because of publishing wars.

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Dukon isn't a character. I assume you mean Duncan. Duncan is voiced by Drew Nelson in Total Drama island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour

Is total drama drama drama drama island the same as Total Drama Island?

Yes It Is, It Is The Total Drama Island Movie And There IS Also A Total Drama Action Movie Called Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special.

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There is no total drama island 4..its supposed to be coming sonne its called total drama revenge of the island ( total drama reloaded)

On total drama island What is Courtneys full name?

Courtneys full name is not revealed on Total Drama Island. The full name of the person who plays her (does the voice), however, is Emilie-Claire Barlow.