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Because it was somewhat smaller so then they didnt make it as nice or fancier. And on the top it was just where they made everything nicer and more expensive. hence; rich people would be on top.

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Q: Why did 3rd class passengers have to stay on the bottom of the Titanic?
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Where did the Titanic bands stay at on the Titanic?

The Titanic band boarded Titanic as 2nd class passengers. Titanic's band were just the entertainers for 1st class.

What was the rule on people getting in lifeboats from the Titanic?

The rule was that the 1st class passengers got the priority of getting off the ship first due to the fact that they paid £870 just to stay on the HMS Titanic.

What cabins did second class people stay in the Titanic?


How many people manged to stay alive on the terible tragedy of the Titanic?

From over 2200 passengers and crew aboard the titanic, there was only 705 survivors

Who stayed on the lower deck on the Titanic?

beacase fancy people stay on the top of titanic and the poor people had to stay on the bottom beacause they dont have money

Why were the first class passangers on the titanic more privileged?

Yes, the first class passengers on Titanic had lush five course meals while second had three course meals and third class passengers had a one course meal that was pretty basic. The first class passengers could use the heated swimming pool on board while the second and third could not. It was the same with the squash court and the gym. They had expensive French parisian cafes on board and grand dining rooms and lounges. Also if you were a first class child or woman you had practically 100% chance of surviving. Even though only 92% of women and children in first class survived it was because most decided to stay with their husbands and only 1 child in first class died. So yes first class passengers did have special privilages.

Why did so many 3rd class perish on the titanic?

The third class people hat their cabins and facilities placed on the very bottom of the ship unlike the second and first class who had theirs on the upper floors. This meant that the water stroke those on third class first.

What Were the rules in First class of the Titanic?

the rules of first class was to stay out of and away from the lower classes other than that rule they had none

What were the emotions on the Titanic?

Many passengers felt that there was nothing wrong. Stewards went up and down the first class corridors telling passengers that they should head up on deck, but not to worry. Some first class passengers even went into the dining room and ordered drinks. It wasn't until the decks began to tilt that passengers became worried.

Where did the people stay on the Titanic?

in their cabins

What cabin number did Ruth Becker stay on the titanic?

Miss Ruth Elizabeth Becker stayed in cabin F4

Why would passengers who remained on board of the Titanic have tried to go to the rear of the boat?

Since Titanic was sinking by the head, simple physics meant that the aft was lifting from the water, like a see-saw. Natural human instincts for survival dictated that passengers seek the high ground, which in Titanic's case, was the stern.