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Slave masters took slaves so they would not have to pay anyone to do the work and would not have to work themselves.

They beat their slaves:

a) after they ran away so the particular slave and other slaves would not try to run away again,

b) to make slaves do their work, do it faster and better, et cetera.

Hope this helps.

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Because of fear they had for the slaves.

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Q: Why did most slave owner beat their slaves?
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In the United States before the US Civil War, slaves were not freed when the slave holder died. In most cases they remained as part of the "property" of the slave owners estate. It is likely that the heirs of the deceased slave owner took over the plantation and kept the slaves.

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As slaves were property of their owner and were treated however the owner treated them, they were fed whatever their owner gave them. It is most likely that they were fed only bread and other corn-based products, which was the cheapest food.

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slaves were the most important things in the slave trade

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What state had the most slave?

South Carolina had the most slaves. 57% of the population of the state were slaves

Where did slave traders get most of their slaves from?

in africa mainly

Where did slaves mainly come from?

during the slave trade most slaves came from Africa

What was life in general like for those enslaved in the American South in the nineteenth century where and how did they live and work?

Most slaves lived on plantations with 20 or more other slaves, or in the case of a small slave owner, had links with slaves nearby. Slave owners were supposed to house, feed, and clothe their slaves from infancy till death. Most slaves worked in the fields, though some of the women were used as house servants, wet nurses, or 'babysitters,' and the men as coachmen.

The treatment slaves received depended on the personality of the individual owner not the slave codes?

FALSE Slave codes were laws and generally had nothing to do with how a slave owner treated the slaves. Most people who owned slaves saw them as property and so 's they treated them as property. Slavery in it's self is wrong and this was true with American slavery. The American form of slavery was very cruel because it not only enslaved people but took away every thing that they were. Their name, language, religion, and culture was taken from them.