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Q: Why does ponyboy say that Two-bit was smart and knew the score?
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is a smart guy but too smart he knew about the ocean and believed it was real and i love him for that

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Darry did it so Ponyboy, if he stayed in school and didn't get in trouble, would have a bright future and not end up like Dally does later in the book, and would live a productive life because he knew that Ponyboy had a gift.

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Two-Bit did and didn't tell Darry

How do you say 'I knew you would say that' in spanish?

sabía que ibas a decir / dirías eso.Note:sabia --- smart girl / womansabía --- I knew

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He was really upset, and cried for weeks. but tried to hide it from darry and ponyboy, even though they knew it.

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He did this because Ponyboy knew that is what how Dally was gonna die someday. Dally was a hood and got arrested all the time, so he knew one day he would take it to far, and get killed, a hood. He also did this because he risked his life to protect Johnny when he gave him the loaded gun. Dally couldve gotten jailed if anyone figured out.

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His ability to see the future makes him smart. When he first saw a computer he knew its gonna be a big thing in the future.

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Clara Barton was wonderfully smart! She learned much from school, but she also became so smart because her family taught her everything she knew. cooking, sewing, battlefields riding horses, writing and arithmetic