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The pressure (due to gravity) in the center of the Earth is so great, that it compresses the otherwise molten metal alloy - to a solid.

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it is liquid not solid so thereby it survives

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6y ago

In short, the high pressure inside the Earth compresses it into a solid.

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Q: Why does the inner core remain solid even though the temperature is hot enough to melt the metal?
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What causes this layer to remain solid despite the high temperature?

The Earth's inner core reaches temperatures that are at times greater than 9000°F. What causes this layer to remain solid despite the high temperature?

What are the effects of the inner core?

The inner core is solid, even though it has a high temperature, because of the high pressure in the center of Earth.

Is the temperature of the outer core higher OR lower than its melting point?

The outer core is liquid. Its pressure is low enough and its temperature high enough for it to melt. The inner core is solid. Both its pressure and temperature are higher than the outer core, but the increased pressure overwhelms the increased temperature, keeping the inner core from melting.

Why are the metals in the inner core solid?

The temperature is extremely high, and on the surface iron would not be solid at that temperature. But the pressure is also extremely high, and this forces the molecules of metal to remain in solid form.

What causes the inner core to be solid when the outer core is liquid?

The extremely high pressure at the inner core drives the melting point of the iron and other materials up beyond the temperature of the inner core. Therefore they remain solid. The pressure in the outer core is lower sop the melting point is below the temperature in this region and so it is a liquid.

Why is the inner core of the earth solid even though its so hot?

The melting point of materials varies depending on the applied pressure. As pressure increases so does the melting temperature. This relationship is normally shown in a phase diagram.The main constituent of the inner core is iron and the inner core pressure is approximately 330-360 GPA while the temperature varies from approximately 5000 to 7000 K.The extremely high pressures in the Earth's inner core therefore drive the melting point of the iron up beyond the temperature that occurs and the metals of the inner core cannot melt.As such the inner core is solid, even though it is the highest temperature region in the Earth.Please see the related links.

What r the inner planets temperature?

The inner planet Mercury and Venus has very high temperature and the Earth and Mars has moderate temperature. However, the Earth has nice temperature.

Why is earths inner core solid even though its temperature is hotter than that which would melt iron?

it is like 62,000,00 degrees down there

How does the temperature of the inner planets compare to the temperature of the outer planets?

The inner ones are hotter and the outer ones are colder

What is the temperature of the inner core of the earth in kelvin?

The temperature of the Earth's inner core is estimated to be around 6000 kelvin.

Why is the inner core solid even though it's hotter than the outer core?

the inner core has to be really hot so when the hotness reaches the crust it feels normal because if the inner core was a normal temperature that when the hotness gets to the crust it would be freezing!

Why are the inner planets made of heavy materials?

The Inner Planets dense and rocky because they are close enough to the sun that the heat has driven off the free hydrogen and helium which forms most of the Gas Giant planets (and most of the universe). Only the heavier elements remain.