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When the Greeks left the wooden horse outside Troy they also left the spy Sinon to be captured by the Trojan forces.

Sinon explained to the Trojans that the horse was a charm to get the Greek ships home safely, and that if the Trojans could take the horse inside their city it would protect Troy from future Greek attack.

The idea was that the Trojan's claimed the horse as a gift, hoping to benefit from it; but this was what led to the fall of their city.

A virus which describes itself as an app plays the same trick: it looks like a gift, but in fact is a poison.

So Trojan is the correct term.

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Q: Why in computing a Trojan is called a Trojan when in reality it should be called a greek. as it was the greeks that hid inside the Trojan horse?
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In the Trojan War? The Trojan Horse, in which the Greeks hid.

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It is said that the GREEKS won the Trojan war.It is also said that they won it in a big woodan horse.Do you know WHY it was called the Trojan war?If No, it is called the Trojan war because it happent in a villedge called TROY123Nay

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Athena was the most prominent goddess who supported the Greeks in the Trojan War.

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What does the saying beware of Greeks bearing gifts?

It implies not to trust Greeks who are giving you a present. Most likely this comes down from the ages as a result of the Trojan Wars when the Greeks tricked the Trojan with the Trojan Horse. The answer is to never trust your enemies.

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The Greeks tricked the Trojan's during the Trojan War by making the Trojan horse and hiding inside till everyone was sleeping. Then they jumped out and took the city.

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Athena helping the Greeks win the war by telling them to build the 'Trojan Horse'.

How did the greeks build the Trojan horse?

Trojan Horse was hollow and some of the Greeks were hidden inside. The Trojans thought the Greeks had left. So they demolished part of the walls of Troy and took the Trojan horse inside the city. They had a feast to celebrate their enemies departure and when they slept the Greeks came out.