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Go to acuity and beat Jupiter and go back to veilstone their you will find a grunt that gives you a key to the HQ

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Q: You cant find the key to get into the galactic headquarters. when you go to the galactic headquarters galactic grunt isn't standing there so you don't know what to do.. you have 7 gym badges?
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How do you get the Pearson in Pokemon Diamond go in front of the antena of the team galatic bulding?

You have to get 7 badges in order for the galactic grunt to be in front of the galactic antennas

What happens if the galactic grunt isn't there to give you the key and you have 7 gym badges on Pokemon diamond?

You don't get it from a grunt you find it on the ground (looks like a pokeball as always)

How do you get in team galactic headquarters?

You talk to the galactic grunt and he will run away. Then go to the small building to the left and the looker will be there. Follow the looker and getthe galactic key. Now you can get in the door in the galactic building in veilstone.

How do you get the key to open the galactic headquarters and ware house in diamond?

after getting your 7th badge go to veilstone city go to the galactic grunt and he will drop the key

Why isn't the grunt in front of the galactic HQ building Pokemon pearl?

i dont know whare u are in it so add it and maby i will answer Im in veilstone city and i have been to the headquarters side house Talked to the grunt by the door and beat the snowpoint city gym leader.

How do you unlock the locked door at the so called ''Team Galactic Veilstone Building Which is really the headquarters?

First you talk to a Galactic Grunt outside the Headquarters and he will say something about the key and when he goes away,he will drop a poke ball that has the key in it.

Where is the key for the galatic headquarters in veilstone cty?

First there should be a galactic grunt outside the headquarters. Talk to him to get the key to the warehouse. Go to the warehouse which is also in veilstone city. In the warehouse you should find the key to the headquarters.

What towns are the Galactic buildings in?

eterna city (u need cut), and veilstone city (u need 7 badges and the key that the grunt out front drops).

Where is the galactic grunt at?


How do you get into Cyrus's base in Pokemon pearl?

To get into the main Team Galactic base, you must go to Snowpoint City and defeat the gym leader there. Then you must go to Lake Acuity and interact with Galactic Commander Jupiter and your rival. Jupiter will leave the lake area and you can go back to Veilstone City where a Team Galactic grunt will be standing near one of the satellite dishes. Talk with him and he will flee, leaving behind a Galactic Key, which allows you to open locked doors in the Galactic Headquarters.

Pokemon where do you get the galactic key to get inside?

(Note that you have to have got 7 badges and you have done the events at the lakes, Lake Acurity, Lake Valor and Lake Verity.) Go in front of the Galactic HQ in Veilstone city (the big one) the should be a galactic grunt talk to him and he'll run off where he was is the galactic key. Hope this helps ;-)

Can you become a Galactic Grunt in Pokemon pearl?
