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You should see your doctor. You could have an atopic pregnancy.

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Q: Had tubes tied cut and burnt 2 yrs ago but now am gaining alot of weight having breast tenderness and some other signs of pregnancy is it possible to be preg again?
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Related questions

What could breast tenderness be a sign of?

There are a few different things that breast tenderness can be a sign on. Every month females can experience breast tenderness during their period. However, breast tenderness can also be a sign of pregnancy.

Can you get breast tenderness in the 3rd week of pregnancy?

! Yes, you can get breast tenderness in the first couple of weeks, as long as nausea!! Congrats!!

How early do you get tender breast in pregnancy?

Breast tenderness is often the earliest sign of pregnancy and can start shortly after implantation.

Can you breast hurt during period?

Yes. There are many possible causes for breast pain. For example, hormone level changes related to menstruation or pregnancy are often responsible for breast tenderness. Some degree of swelling and tenderness just before your period is normal.

Does breast tenderness always mean pregnancy?

No, they can be tender when you're starting your period or when there is illness as well. Breast tenderness can be a sign of pregnancy, but it doesn't always mean that you are pregnant when it occurs either.

Can stopping NuvaRing cause breast tenderness?

Some women may have breast tenderness with ovulation after stopping NuvaRing. It's just a matter of your body going back to its regular cycle. Breast tenderness can also be a sign of pregnancy, so take a pregnancy test if you miss your period.

I am 1 month pregnant but I don't have any breast tenderness why?

Tenderness is not a requirement. Especially after the first pregnancy. The glands of the breast will develop ... but at their own rate.

Does your breast get sore when pregnant?

Many but not all women do have soreness or tenderness of the breast during pregnancy.

When pregnant does the outer part of your breast hurt?

Yes. Breast tenderness is a common feeling in pregnancy.

Is it possible that i am are pregnant when im already delayed for 9 days and i have breast tenderness?

It is possible, yes. However, your period could just be late. Do a home pregnancy test to be sure.

Does disappearance of breast tenderness at 7 weeks suggest an impending miscarriage. Had no sickness in last successful pregnancy so breasts were the only symptom?

no breast tenderness has nothing to do with with miscarriage---not all women gets pregnancy symptoms---

What are the early stages of pregnancy?

Nausia, breast tenderness, missed period and being tired