

Best Answer

These are your options in an airless environment without radio:

-- Write notes and swap them.

-- Write on a chalk-board.

-- If your fingers are not covered in a bulky space suit, then
you can use American Sign Language.

-- Semaphore flags.

-- Turn flashlights on and off according to a pre-arranged system of
signaling, such as Morse Code.

-- If you are in space suits and helmets, with air inside, you can communicate
verbally by touching helmets together.

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Q: How can you communicate on the Moon without using a radio?
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When was Moon River - radio program - created?

Moon River - radio program - was created in 1930.

Is it possible to bounce a radio signal off the moon?

No. Not directly. Radio waves move in line of sight (a straight line). This is the reason there are so many communications satelites orbiting the Earth. Radio waves are bounced off them to other parts of the globe. If there were two to three satelites in geosynchronous orbit in the L-positions over the moon, we could have essentially obstruction free communication with Far Side.

How far does ham radio work?

Some amateur radio operators regularly communicate with each other by reflecting their signals off of the moon, so we know that amateur radio communication is possible over distances of at least a half-million miles ... something like 19 times the distance around the earth We don't know how much farther it might work, because there aren't any hams out there to talk to.

Are radio waves electromagnetic energy?

Yes. That's how Earth-bound controllers communicate with the Hubble Space Telescope, the Mars rovers, and with the various space probes still in service. It's also how the Apollo astronauts were able to communicate with Houston while they were on the Moon, and how the forgotten crew currently on the International Space Station are able to tell their colleagues on the ground exactly what they are doing and generally what's going on up there. And it's also how you're able to receive 92 channels of TV from a satellite repeater with that little dish on the garage roof.

Can radio waves penetrate Earth's atmosphere?

yes, this is why we had two-way radio contact ( and still do) with NASA manned space craft. Also don't forget . . . -- radio contact with Apollo astronauts on the moon -- radio contact with the International Space Station -- receiving pictures and data from the Hubble Space Telescope -- receiving TV at home from stationary satellites -- radio contact with Curiosity on Mars -- radio-astronomy

Related questions

How do you communicate with others on the moon and earth?

Radio. If you can't talk to them directly by hearing their voices, then it is transmitted by radio.

Why do astronauts have radio transmitters when they are on moon?

So they can talk to each other and Earth, even though there is no air.Astronauts have radio transmitters on moon as they cannot communicate with each other.Sound cannot travel if there is no air. As there is no air on the moon astronauts need radio transmitters when they are on moon.

Why is radio used on moon to communicate?

There is no air and sound waves do not propagate through vacuum.

When two men walk in moon they cannot hear each other why?

Because there's no air ! They have to communicate by radio.

How do we know that EM wave don't need a medium and can travel through vacuum?

Because of all the EM radiation we receive from the sun.Also . . .we can see the moonwe can see the sunwe can see other starswe can communicate by radio with astronauts on the moonwe can communicate by radio with the Curiosity on Marswe can communicate by radio with our space probes that have left the solar systemwe can bounce light and radio from Earth to moon and back to Earth

Why do astronauts who land on moon talk through wireless sets using radio waves?

Sound needs air to travel through, and as there's no air on the moon. Astronauts have to use radios to talk to each other when in an envrionment without air. Radio waves travel through space and have no trouble traveling where there's no air.

How do you evolve munna on Pokemon black or white without using a moon stone?

It needs a Moon Stone to evolve.

How can you prove electromagnetic waves travel through vacuums?

Electromagnetic waves have been observed traveling through the vacuum of space for centuries. This phenomenon was first theorized by James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century and has been consistently confirmed through various experiments and observations, including measurements of cosmic microwave background radiation and signals from distant stars and galaxies. Additionally, the mathematical equations describing electromagnetic waves do not require a medium for propagation, further supporting the idea that they can travel through a vacuum.

When did Moon River - radio program - end?

Moon River - radio program - ended in 1972.

When was Moon River - radio program - created?

Moon River - radio program - was created in 1930.

What is the duration of Moon River radio program?

The duration of Moon River - radio program - is -1800.0 seconds.

Why do astronauts use walkie talkies to communicate?

When they're inside their spacecraft, in the "shirtsleeve" environment, and the spacecraft is full of air, they don't need walkie-talkies, and are able to communicate in the usual way, using only mouths and ears. But if they're operating in an environment without air, such as during a "space-walk" or on the moon, then they need to use radio. The reason for the difference is the fact that sound needs a substance to travel through. If there is no air between the speaker's mouth and the listener's ear, then sound cannot make the trip, and another means of communication is required.