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There are two options for women who have had a previous tubal ligation and now desire to have more children: 1) tubal reversal surgery and, 2) in vitro fertilization (IVF). Although tubal reversal surgery is not right for everyone, in most cases it is the most successful and most cost-effective option for pregnancy after sterilization. With pregnancy rates averaging 75% and a cost of $5900, tubal reversal surgery is usually more desirable than IVF with pregnancy rates of approximately 27% and costs exceeding $8,000 per IVF cycle.

One way to determine whether tubal reversal surgery is the best option for you is through an interpretation of the operative report from your tubal ligation. With this information, the doctor is able to provide feedback on the type of sterilization that was performed and the amount of tube that may be remaining after the reversal.

Your local doctor can perform the required pre-operative lab tests for you. The lab testing should be completed within a day or two of scheduling surgery to ensure results are in at least three weeks prior to the surgery date. An anesthesiologist may contact you before your surgery date. The discussion may include reviewing your health and anesthesia history. Depending on your health history, additional lab or medical testing may be required.

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12y ago

You could go to a loan company for a general personal loan and use it for that purpose, but no one is going to give you a loan for that specific purpose. People don't get loans for medical treatments. If they did, then, a million people in this country wouldn't go bankrupt because they can't pay for medical treatments. That's why we need health care.

Interesting theory. Incorrect however. Given, I'm self employed and as I don't have health insurance, I get loans all the time for lots of things, Health Care included. I USED to have health insurance up until my wife and I had our 2 children. It became extremely obvious to me at that time that Health Insurance was actually a scam used by companies to bilk Billions of dollars per year out of the pockets of the hard working american middle class, AND the companies that put them to work. Nationalized health care should NEVER be implemented in the US period. It actually costs me LESS per year, MUCH less per year, to pay for medical treatment out of my own pocket as opposed to having a health care plan of any kind. The problem with health care in the United States is that people take advantage of the fact that NO ONE will be denied medical treatment for any reason. Many common ailments can be easily remedied with inexpensive over the counter remedies. One of the main causes of the health care problems facing this country is the apparent ignorance of it's own people. With the informational resources available today just about anyone can look up their symptoms online, and decide if they REALLY need to visit their doctor or not. Emergency Medicine of course is a whole other topic. You don't need to go to the Emergency room if you stub your toe, or have the flu. Wake up people. STOP feeding the perpetual money pit.

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15y ago

You can consider a reversal where the fallopian tubes are put back together or you can try IVF. Either of these is expensive though

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Q: How do you take out tubal ligation and get pregnant again?
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How do you take care of tubal ligation stitches?

Tubal ligation is usually performed using a laparoscope. The stitches used are usually dissolve on their own. To care for you stitches, they should be kept clean and dry.

How vasectomy and tubal ligation affect reproduction human?

Tubal ligation blocks the pathway the egg would take. Vasectomy blocks the path sperm would take. Without the pathway, human reproduction cannot occur for that person.

If you had a tubal ligation what would be the best treatment to conceive again?

Getting Pregnant After 10 YearsIt's unlikely. A recent study (the Collaborative Review of Sterilization, or CREST, study) looked at 10,000 women who had undergone tubal ligation and found 143 failures (a failure rate of 1.4 percent). It can be higher when a tubal is done at the time of a C-section. The failure rate also tends to increase the longer it has been since one had a tubal ligation. The U.S. Collaborative Review of Sterilization (CREST) found the failure rate for tubal ligation (all occlusion methods) to be 1.85% after 10 years.Here's other comments from WikiAnswers contributors:Yes, it is very possible 1 in every 200 TL fail (This statistic has no documented source and should not be trusted.It is very possible. In fact, my friend last week found out she was pregnant after having a tubal ligation 11 years ago. The only thing was that it turned out to be a tubal pregnancy. The fetus was attached to the outside of her tube on her right side so she had to have her tube removed. The MD told her that her tubal failed and now she has to take some sort of birth control if she doesn't want to get pregnant. I strongly recommend to anyone who has had this procedure done and has any doubt if they are pregnant to go see their MD or get some medical advice as soon as possible. My friends tubal pregnancy ruptured and she had fever and heavy bleeding right away. This could be fatal, especially if you wait too long.My mom had her tubes tied (I guess that's the same as a tubal ligation). You can get pregnant from it, but most likely it's ectopic (tubal). Go to the doctor immediately. If you are having severe pain, bleeding, etc, go now. It will help you out ALOT. Take a pregnancy test first.Yes, it is possible. I had my tubal ligation in 1991 and became pregnant again in 2002.It is definitely possible. Actually, after 10 years, the failure rate for a tubal ligation increases slightly. My tubal ligation failed after only 4 years. I had my tubal ligation in June of 2000 and had another baby boy in October of 2004. Approximately 1/3 of all pregnancies that occur after a tubal ligation is an ectopic pregnancy though so it's important to see your doctor immediately if you think you're pregnant.I had my tubes tied and cauterized in Dec 2000, after 2nd C-section, I became pregnant in Dec 2004..4 years later. I found out baby made it to utero, but we miscarried shortly after. It was devastating for me, I really wanted another baby. I had a hsg test, tubal dye, and they found my right tube slightly open, but the left is still closed. Now I am depressed every month I get another period, hoping for another baby. I also decided to see if I can have it opened properly giving me every opportunity to have another child. In our province we have to pay for a reversal, so I am hoping they don't expect me to pay for this screw-up...I never asked for any of this, but now that it has happened it's ruining my life...I can't believe something that is "permanent" ... isn't.It's a rare occurrence to become pregnant after having a sterilization or tubal but it is possible. Not all sterilizations procedures are 100% effective and some have a 1-2% failure rate. Because of this it is possible to become pregnant but the chance is very very low.Yes - you can become pregnant. Nature always tries to overcome an obstacle to achieve its only aim - reproduction.After a tubal ligation, it has been found that some women "grow" another fallopian tube in which the egg can enter by.If you wish to get pregnant, then you should consult a doctor to see what the "state" of your tubes are. There are various ways of doing a tubal ligation - some that can be reversed easily. Even if you are found to not have viable fallopian tubes, you can still use IVF to conceive. You will still have your eggs and it is a matter of "harvesting" the eggs, fertilizing them outside the body and then implanting them.

How successful is tubal ligation reversal if you've had a tubal ligation 12 years ago?

Tubal ligation is a permanent fix. It cuts, ties and burns the tubes whereas making it almost impossible for the egg to pass through for fertilization. There is only a 0.5 percent chance I believe that you could then get pregnant. This is not birth control, its a permanent solution to no longer have more children.

Can you have a healthy pregnancy if you have had a tubal ligation?

Allow me to answer from experience....YES IT CAN. The chance is very small, from what I've read in the 1-2% range, but I myself am a child of pregnancy after tubal ligation. My mother had her tubes tied TWICE. After my brother was born she had a tubal ligation. Six years later she found herself pregnant with me. Upon having her tubes cut and burned further, the doctor said he had no idea how that could happen as everything looked still separated. Of course, you have to take the chances into the proper context; HIGHLY UNLIKELY, but entirely possible.

Related questions

Why do you have to take birth control after a tubal pregnancy post tubal ligation?

You have to take birth control because, if you got preg. once after tubal, then it means the tubal failed and you have a chance to become pregnant again. Of course, if you want to get preg. again, don't take the birth control!

Can you get pregnant 8yrs after tubal ligation?

The more time that passes after a tubal ligation the (slightly) higher the risk of regeneration of the fallopian tube/s. It is extremely rare but it can happen. Because there is scar tissue from the tubal ligation, there is also an increase chance of a tubal pregnancy. If your period suddenly stops, whether you are having symptoms of pregnancy or not, take a pregnancy test or see your OB / GYN.

How long does it take for tubal ligation failure?

Failure rates tend to increase the longer it has been since one had a tubal ligation. CREST (Collaborative Review of Sterilization) found that the failure rate for tubal ligation to be 1.85% after ten years. Hope this helps answer your question.

After tubal ligation how long will it take to lose belly fat?

How long it takes to lose belly fat after a tubal ligation varies greatly depending on your exercise plan, your food intake, and your body itself. Many people find that they begin losing some fat immediately after the ligation but gain it again if they do not pay attention to their diet.

How do you take care of tubal ligation stitches?

Tubal ligation is usually performed using a laparoscope. The stitches used are usually dissolve on their own. To care for you stitches, they should be kept clean and dry.

How vasectomy and tubal ligation affect reproduction human?

Tubal ligation blocks the pathway the egg would take. Vasectomy blocks the path sperm would take. Without the pathway, human reproduction cannot occur for that person.

Vasectomy and tubal ligation explain how they affect reproduction in humans?

vasectomy and tubal lugation explaine how they affect reproduction in humans

Can you still get pregnant if my tubes are tied?

While it can happen it is very rare for a woman to become pregnant naturally after having a tubal ligation. Most studies show that a woman has less than a 2% chance of becoming pregnant after having a tubal ligation. Most cases of pregnancy after the procedure usually occur in the first 3 months during the healing period and 10+ years after having procedure due to the tubes growing back together. This has become even fewer over the recent years due to changes in how the surgery is done. If you have had a tubal ligation and feel that you could be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your Dr right away to rule out the risk of an ectopic pregnancy ( a nonviable pregnancy outside of the uterus). Tubal ligation greatly increases your risk of ectopic pregnancy which can be life threatening.

How will it take to get pregnant after a tubal pregnancy?

No, in a tubal ligation, the doctor puts a tiny clip on each fallopian tube. This procedure essentially blocks the path of the egg to the uterus. The inside of a fallopian tube is small, literally just a few hair's widths in diameter, to begin with so the likelyhood that a woman would get pregnant "easily" after a tubal ligation is slim, although not impossible.

Can you ovulate after tubal ligation?

i have my tubes clapped 7 years ago an during my cycle i get this pain my right ovary an it litterly feels like labor pains at times i cant move because it hurts so bad

Can you take the birth control pill after tubal ligation?

You can but it is not needed for the purpose of preventing pregnancy. If you and your health care provider agree, you may decide to take the birth control pill after tubal ligation to control other menstrual-related problems, such has heavy bleeding or painful periods.

Can you get pregnant after having tubes cut and burned after 10years?

The chance of pregnancy following tubal ligation (burning, cutting, clipping, tying) is very small - but since our body's are designed to heal - it occasionally happens. The chance of this happening actually goes up slightly over the years. But it is still very rare. If you think you may be pregnant take a HPT, as the chance of ectopic pregnancy is slightly higher in a pregnancy following tubal ligation.