

Best Answer

Well I'm just a moderatly fsnihoaable girl and don't have big big tips for anyone. Just want to say that every person carries a unique individuality and fashion only compliments that personality. What ever you dress up you should feel comfortable with it and feel confident to carry that whether it is a halter neck, a backless top or a simple short skirt or even a suit.. Wear what suits your personality and gives you a unique aura of what you are. Thumb rule is BE YOURSELF.

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Q: How many weight watcher points for potato chips?
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How many weight watchers points in potato chips?

1.5 points per ounce

What is the weight of a bag of potato chips?

It will vary depending on the size of the bag.

Does lays chips make you gain weight?

Yes. Any type of potato chips, if consumed in high quantities, will make you gain weight.

Why is eating potato chips bad for you?

Well, potato chips are deep fried in fat and oil that can cause weight gain and obesity if eaten too much. Once you eat potato chips the first time, you will get addicted and you will want to eat more and more, which will make you fat. In other cases, potato chips consuming has lead to fevers and sore throats.

Where does potato chips come from?

Potato chips were invented in Louisiana in 1853.

What are the good effects of potato chips?

The good effects of eating potato chips are getting a good appetite and good tasting. The bad parts of eating too much potato chips are gaining weight, getting fat, receiving diabetes, and sore throat.

Are potato chips good for you?

Not at all because potato chips are loaded with calories and fats. Generally, potato chips can make you gain weight easily and might cause obesity if eaten too much.

Why are potato chips unhealthy?

some people thick potato chips are healthy but they are not you can eat them or they will add alot of carbsAnswerPotato chips contain a lot of sodium and grease, which leads to acne for certain people. One bag of potato chips contains 160-300 calories, due to high amounts of carbohydrates. Consuming potato chips on a daily basis would lead to weight gain and possibly obesity.

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