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Yes it is for the first 6 weeks I had mine done in August 2009, I paid £3,500 for all the treatment which was good, you will not be able to walk or lift anything but they give you plenty of pain killers to fall pregnant it is worth the pain

I have not fallen pregnant yet and it is January 2010, but we was told it could take 6 months so fingers crossed it happens soon XxX good luck in whatever you decide !!

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I have heard that it hurts so bad that people double over because of the pain, or they pass out.

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Q: How severe is the pain of a tubal pregnancy?
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What are the dangers of tubal pregnancy?

Internal hemorrhage, shock, infection, loss of a fallopian tube / ovary and severe pain are all risks of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. If you are having lower abdominal pain, spotting, or bleeding after a positive pregnancy test you need to be seen by a doctor.

Do you have bad abdominal pain and back pain with a tubal pregnancy?

I had a tubal preg & yes my back was killing me & it felt like I needed to have a bowel movement all the time. I was 3mths before I went to the emergency room & my tube had ruptured, so if you think that you are you need to go immediately because you could be bleeding enternally & not know it. Hi, Yes you do have severe pain with tubal and etopic pregnancies. If you suspect you have a tubal then go to A&E now as tubals are dangerous. Good luck.

Can you still have a tubal or ectopic pregnancy with a negative test result?

just wondering if you have a tubal litagation done and have been having regular periods than dont get one and is a week late with severe back pain and bilateral side pain, and constantly going to the bathroom what this means. if you did a home pregnancy test and it came back negative and have a history of them coming back negative until your second trimester can you still be pregnant with maybe an ectopic or tubal pregancy.

Can you have a light pink discharge with pain on the left side and be pregnant?

Yes. You might have a tubal pregnancy. Yes you can.

Do tubal abortions from tubal pregnancies expell the embryo from the body like a miscarriage?

NO, a tubal pregnancy is an ectopic, extremely dangerous and you would need an operation to remove it. You would know if you had one as the pain is excruciating.

If you have stomach pain and not a lot of pregnancy symptoms could you be having an ectopic pregnancy?

Your side will hurt when you cough or strain and you will bleed if it's a tubal pregnany.

Is bad stomach cramps and pain in the stomach a COMMON sign of pregnancy?

Bad pain or stomach cramps are not a common sign of pregnancy but can happen. This can be caused by a fallopian cyst or by a tubal pregnancy so it should be evaluated by your medical provider.

Why would you have severe pain in abdomen really heavy flow with clots also hot flashes and severe pain during sex 1 year after TL?

Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome or maybe Adenomyosis

Should you call your OB for severe pregnancy back pain?

yes, or the ER

What are the Symptoms of a failed tubal ligation?

Mini-laparotomy results in a higher incidence of pain, bleeding, bladder injury, and infection compared with laparoscopy.

Signs of pregnancy after tubal?

my tubal incension is red after 5 years of having a tubal why

Is there any stomach pain in 6 weeks pregnancy?

Slight cramps and discomort are very normal at this stage of pregnancy! Severe pain should be checked out immediateley!