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in the contries like us and Australia, there are two governmental satup faderal ogvernment and states, both have there own constitution and can make there own laws. there are duble governmental system, but the supremacy clause will apply where there are conflicts with the law made by the faderal government and state givernment make laws with the same issue and where the law made by the state government contravinse the constitution of the faderal government, then as per the supremacy clause there such the offending law or provision should give way to the faderal constitutional law or provision there is a federal court which would preval over where there is some dispute between the centre and faderation

while in India, the situation is different. though there are two government centre and state nut the law made by the centre will be preval over the law of state

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Q: How supremacy clause related to the principle of federalism?
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The Supremacy Clause is in Aricle VI of the US Constitution.

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The Supremacy Clause can be found in Article Six of the Constitution. It is located under Clause 2 and says that the Constitution is the supreme law of the United States.

What is the supremacy clause what is its importance?

The Supremacy Clause states that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land. This is what makes it important and it is outlined in Article 6, Clause 2 of the Constitution.

What is a non example of supremacy clause?

One of the earliest examples of the Supreme Court ruling that a state law violated the constitution under the Supremacy Clause came in the landmark McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), wherein the court ruled that the state of Maryland could not tax the Second Bank of the United States, establishing the principle that the states could not tax the federal government. taken directly from

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Does the supremacy clause of the national constitution places federal law above state law?

Supremacy clause

Where is supremacy clause found in the Constitution?

The Supremacy Clause can be found in Article Six of the Constitution. It is located under Clause 2 and says that the Constitution is the supreme law of the United States.