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If C is the tonic, D is the supertonic.

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Q: If C is the tonic then what is D?
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What is the tonic with G as the scale?

It is a major chord. Actually, tonic is simply defined as the first note in the scale or key. All chords have tonic note. The tonic of a C chord is the C. The tonic of a C minor chord is a C. The tonic of a C minor major 7 is a C.

What is the difference between Fmajor and Dminor?

The difference is that F major's tonic is F and D minor's tonic is D. Most songs and pieces end either with the tonic of the key signature or a chord with the tonic. Both have a key signature of 1 flat and all the notes are the same except that in D minor the C is raised (incidentally) to C sharp.

How many tonics are there in the scale of a c major?

There's only one tonic in every scale. It's the first pitch played in the scale. In this case it's a C. Were it Bb major, the tonic would be Bb, D major the tonic would be D, etc..

What is the solfege syllable for D in the key of C?

The syllable is Re. D is the second tone up from the tonic note, which is C (and do), so it is Re.

What are the tonic triads of g major?

the tonic of the tonic of c is c because the tonic refers to the first note of the scale. Which is c. get it?

What is tonic note in key of D major?

The tonic in D major is D.

What is the tonic note for C sharp minor?

The tonic is C sharp.

What is the tonic note on a D flat scale?

The tonic of the D flat scale is D flat.

What note is the leading tone in the d sharp scale?

The leading tone in any key is one half-step below the tonic. In the key of D-sharp, the leading tone is C-double-sharp (it can't be spelled as D-natural, because the letter D is already used for the tonic).

What is naming letters as tonic or dominant mean?

They are basic tonal reference points. Tonic is the key the music is in. Dominant is exactly five whole tones above tonic. This is true of any key. If you are playing in C major, the dominant is G major. If you want to transpose the piece into D major, the tonic is D and the dominant is exactly five whole tones higher - A.

What is the leading tone of D majpr scale?

C-sharp. The leading tone is one half-step below the tonic.

Which note is the tonic note in D major key?
