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No, the separation decree becomes null and void.

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Q: If you are legally separated and then move back in together is the separation still binding?
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Are you legally separated from your wife if only she has signed the separation document and you have not in Iowa?

your not legally divorced, but you can still be considered not together anymore.

My husband and I have been separated for 2 years but were still sleeping together up until six months ago and he now wants a divorce because he is sleeping with someone else can I file for adultery?

If the separation is legally binding, then no you can not file adultery. If there is no legal separation, you can claim that you were working on your marriage then with a lawyer, you can file adultery.

Does time of separation affect a divorce?

Legal Separation and Divorce are two different entities. The amount of time that you are legally separated from your spouse does not necessarily affect the divorce proceeding in the sense that you are not divorced after a certain amount of time being separated but it can help with the separation of assets. By this I mean that during the time you are legally separated that is when the economic community ends.

If you are legally separated for more than five years in California can you get married?

No, you need to get a divorce. Separation is NOT a divorce and the time you are separated has NOTHING to do with it.

If a person is legally separated from his wife can he be put out of the apartment?

No the man can not be put out of the house after a separation , you will have to be legally divorced and do it if the court allows you to do so.

Can married persons date in Texas if legally separated?

Can married persons that have filed a separation agreeement in Texas legally date other people? Are there specific agreements that need to be filed for legal separation?

If you married an illegal immigrant and have been separated for 18 years are you considered legally divorced.?

You are still legally married. In fact, you are just separated. However, considering the length of the separation, if you wish to obtain a divorce, a judge will certainly grant it based on the duration of the separation. Good luck!

In Nevada how long if your separated are you legally divorced?

Separation and divorce are two different things. The only way you will ever be legally divorced is to file for and be granted legal divorce - period.

What is a legal separation?

A legal separation is filed through a court action. You need to check the rules in your jurisdiction. However, even if you are legally separated you are still legally married and if either party should die the other will inherit under most state laws.

What is legal separation?

A legal separation is filed through a court action. You need to check the rules in your jurisdiction. However, even if you are legally separated you are still legally married and if either party should die the other will inherit under most state laws.

Is a sealed bid legally binding?

Sealed or not, if the bid was offered and it was accepted, yes, it is legally binding.

As respondent how should I file a legal separation?

If you are the respondent the petition for a separation has already been filed and you need to respond. You should visit the court to see if there is a form you can file expressing your agreement or disagreement with the proposed separation. If the marriage is over perhaps you should consult an attorney about a divorce. If you are legally separated you are still legally married.